
That’s a childish and illogical response. People should play with whatever controllers they like and are comfortable with.

It’s so you can discover the universe and go back home at the end of the day. To that one planet which is your favorite one.

Yeah that actually looked really impressive. I don’t see anything “terrifying” about it at all, other than the fact that it makes for a great clickbait title. Sigh.

I thought it was pretty awesome. Amazing how far things have come.

You stash back up gamecubes and pray the day never comes lol. You can always swap out a CRT for a standard deff projector.

“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”

Glitter. Glitter is the worst thing to drop anywhere.

What’s the worst thing to spill in the kitchen?

Yet people still manage to make incredible things even with that limitation. Limitation does not necessarily mean the hinderence of creativity; indeed, it can challenge it by having to consider what can and cannot be done, a healthy challenge, mind you.

Older Pokemon games.

Clearly it’s a pygmy wailord. Or perhaps it’s an inflatable pool toy.

For the people who aren’t crazy Smash Bros nerds like me:

I thought for sure it was going to be Yoshi they were using. Back when I used to play my friends and I figured out if you do his down air attack (kicking feet) a bunch of times in a row and then grab the bat at the last possible second for a power hit, it’d go pretty far.

And what happens later...

Oh, okay. Here you go. I hope your day is better.

The other monstrous one is this one,

Returning to Animal Crossing?

How did I not know about this?

That cabinet makes it look like we’ll be racing Smart Cars haha

Nintendo needs to do a Crusi’n Collection for either the Wii U or the Nintendo Switch. That would be awesome to have. I use to love Crusi’n usa and Crusi’n World on N64. I normally hate racers, but I loved playing those and how you could upgrade the stats on your car. Plus there was nothing like the first time you