
Zero, so many predicated super spreader events and nod nothing burger. Like every climate prediction a big nothing burger

EV will not work anytime soon because the current electrical grid is no where close to producing enough electricity to power eveyone driving an EV. Just go by any giant apartment complex. At least 50+ years away

Just a little question, when is the EV revolution taking place? It is easily 50+ years away. The current grid is no where close to producing enough electricity for everyone to be driving an EV. My other point is the current generation of cars produce so little pollution why change when giant Walmart superstores use

People are having discussions and all you do is insult and name call. This just firthers the divide and achieve ls nothing

Obama is so worried about rising seas he paid $10 mil for ocean front property and hosted a kick ass party for his best friends, delta be damned!

When see a gap and do not go for it you cease to be a racing driver.

I agree. Dare i say Vettel racecraft has de evolved?. Yes.

Nico purposely wrecked him twice that season and a mechanical retirement in Australia put Lewis behind. The pressure was so great Nico retired prematurely as he knew he could never beat Lewis again.

Nice! Instead of having a discussion you go straight to name calling. I’m not infallible and will have a discussion but your supposed “superior” intelligence can not be bothered. My porsche is better than your leaking 850!

Basically a Jimmy Carter law to save fuel. I remember renting a car driving with college buddies through South Dakota. Navigator woke up and asked how fast i was going I had no idea because our Chrysler rental speedometer was bouncing off the 85 mph limit. Carter was the worst

As a tennis professional, the scoring was confusing because the english did not want the poor people to understand the game. England!

Yeah that is what i want from a president! A good arm wrestler. Trump sez the dumbest thing but his is coherent and knows where he is. Biden can not speak without a teleprompter. Never takes questions and basically hides. There is a reason you never saw him during the Obama years. Biden is in declining mental health

Bristol race 2006, on the back of a Camero. “My gun has killed less people than Ted Kennedy’s car.”

Back in the day i took my friend’s legit parking pass into the local/national chain print shop. Told the employees im not paying for the football parking pass at Local U. Guy got totally into it. Worked the for years. Local U dirtbag coach left and they hasn’t been the same since, no reason to go anymore.

Ha you are right! I will take my lumps!

So in the first paragraph you state non dangerous battery fire. In point #1. You state maybe the driver was trying to escape the battery fire and ended up in the back seat. So they were avoiding a non dangerous battery fire?

Love Simona, she is very fast and never got a fair shake. How long before Grosjean does his thing and wrecks everybody?

Every fucking article you write is about electric this or that. This is a car site for fuck sakes we love v-8s and miss the days of F1 running V-10s at 20,000 rpm. Are you a plant for Big Climate Bradley?

Once again Bradley writing about the death of cars. Why do you even want to work for a car site?

For a car site you guys sure hate cars. Only Adam drives a decently fun car the rest of the writers druves shitbuckets! Do not go the way of deadspin! The jalop community is still strong!