
My rampant speculation about the situation is this: Jay-Z and Kanye are legitimately friends, Beyonce loathes Kim, Kim tries to get Beyonce to like her, and everyone ends up avoiding each other because it's too awkward. Also Kanye is that friend you have to stop hanging out with because he brings his annoying

The tags don't show on the web version either. I have been complaining about this for ages. It's infuriating. Just start the fucking headline with DB. It's not rocket science.

You don't see tags on the first page on a computer either, you have to open the article to see what it is. I don't like that. And when they share articles beween Gawker site, you can't see how many comments there are. Usually that's a good indicator of how interesting it is, and honestly, I sometimes just skim the

Lots of people upthread saying they only shower every other or third day. There are some nasty ass people here.

I have never had a package lost from UPS or Fedex. The problem is probably someone stealing your packages.

Yet if this was USPS, guarantee a majority of comments would be, "LOL, that's what you get for relying on the government, the moneywasting bureaucrats! Private industry is perfect!"

For fucks sake. UPS, FedEx, and USPS wills move over a billion packages this month. With only a tiny fraction of those packages being lost or stolen. (And btw, most are stolen, not lost.)

Not really. She is responsible to no one but herself. If she see's fit to make a protest song or whatever, that's beautiful. If not, that's fine. There are plenty of other stars that you could be complaining about. She has done much to show her support for feminist causes and people still complain so I guess that no

What does Beyonce have to do with protest songs? Why is she the one who is always brought up no matter what the complaint? She has done a good deal to show her feminist leanings.

No, I'm questioning the "third" bit since she was shot before the cops.

This is the first I've heard at all of this first victim. I suppose it doesn't fit the police narrative that most media outlets were going for. I hope Ms. Thompson can find some comfort during her recovery.

I think this man was mentally ill. He didn't kill those police officers for the cause. He killed them because he wanted to be known. If you check out his Facebook page you'll see a status where he clearly has suicidal ideation. You'l also see some statuses that are misogynistic in nature (which explains why he

Honestly, I feel like this is just going to backfire. Like Kim Kardashian only got more famous after the release of her sex tape and if it doesn't make Iggy more famous it's just going to make her look like a victim the same way Snoop Dogg's tweets or whatever against her did

Just FYI, I'm female. So, spare me your insinuations of me being a man.

I don't care what she's brought down by. Sex tape. Tape of her doing drugs. Tape of her saying racial slurs. I'll take anything.

Meh, I still don't care. This "slut-shaming" bs is a tool used by white women so that you can't criticize them for their words and actions. I've seen it used by White feminists when they're rightfully being criticized for their racism.

Honestly, I wish people would stop talking about Igloo. By all means, lets continue the conversation of white supremacy and racial double standards but the people who keep talking about Igloo specifically are giving her more publicity than she deserves. Eventually she will fade into obscurity and she will no longer be

Meh. Still don't care about Iggy Azalea. I wouldn't mind seeing her brought down. It's always nice to see someone as oblivious and ignorant like her burn down to the ground. This is a woman who thinks she's in the spotlight because she's a good rapper and not because she happens to be a mildly attractive White woman

Are you White?

That statement from Bill Cosby makes my blood run cold. He is constantly running around telling black people how they should act, speak, behave. Why don't you just focus on yourself and work on getting your shit together? And I am not one of those "on the fence" people. I truly believe he is guilty of the accusations