
Does anybody else get choked up when you see Bernie endorse his ads? No two endorsements messages are the same. It’s like he’s actually paying attention and like he actually cares. I want him to win Wisconsin so badly tonight. Let’s get this other shit out of here.

I get what y'all are saying but I'm loving loving loving the dramatic turn Yoncé et al have taken in the past 5 years, musically. It's complicated beats masterfully woven together and pure magic to me!

As a bitch who was fortunate to score Yoncé Formation Tour tickets PLEASE GOD ALSO BLESS ME WITH THIS AS THE OPENINING ACT YAAAASSSSSSS

Plus sized charges for plus sized coverage with recycled content sounds exactly like the current state of plus sized fashion. It’s so meta it hurts. Condé Nast-y.

YAAAASSSSSS - monthly column!

The age old question: to tell or not to tell! Answer: depends on the nature of your relationship with both parties. If you are good friends with the chick, and not so much the boyfriend, you should tell her. If you are better friends with him than her, you should tell him off and/or ask why he feels he needs to cheat?

I love how he fuckin’ mansplains “Cancer of Mankind” like literally no one would understand his terrible fuckin’ metaphor and like no one but he (and definitely not an angry, redneck 14-year old boy) could come up with this genius and totally unique title.


similarly, I don’t need your trolling

Playing Devil’s advocate here (no pun intended): if the graves are unmarked and unattended, what’s the real harm outside of bad taste? I don’t believe in curses or black magik, personally, but at least someone seems to be giving some consideration to these forgotten souls?

I used to strongly dislike Jennifer Lopez, but recently she’s been growing on me. I find myself surprised every time I see her on a talk show or on TV doing promos for one of her innumerable projects and enjoy listening to her talk and engage with whomever she is paired with (even Wendy Williams). I think she’s

I think it should be mandatory that dudes carry around tampons for one month of their young adult life. Can you imagine? Sort of like how I think it should be mandatory that literally everyone work in the service industry for money for at least some portion of their life.

Idk, there’s a pretty popular play on Broadway about it. Can’t remember the name...

Agreed. My ex-boyfriend is from Fort Worth and his family is unbelievably wealthy and tacky and petty and scared of poor people. It would have been perfect for the RHO franchise.

That and Gilmore Girls, and Friends, and Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother.

We can’t even do fireworks right, so I’m gunna say it’s because some of us are not very bright.

Um, no. I have kept room temperature butter on my counter, as habit, in a simple butter dish for years and years and have never, not once gotten sick, nor has it spoiled. And I use an average amount of butter. Then again, I actually cook 3-4 nights a week.

Nothing is worse than candy corn. Nothing.

Why would anyone buy products from a person who didn’t know well enough not star in Honey is beyond me.

Anybody know if it’s true that if moms get real bad heartburn during pregnancy means the baby will be born with a head full of hair?