
Montreal has a very agressive indie band scene and they put their posters on everything.

Are they swerving to miss rain drops?

Well it's hardly rocket science.

You are absolutely able to do it.

This article has a TON of flame-bait in it, because you could use the Xbox One controllers that shipped with the system about a month after they released with third-party drivers, and officially since the beginning of June.

You just need ANY Micro USB cable. This SKU they are releasing

Not gonna lie. Each time I combined the Buzzard with either Unleash the Hounds or Snake Trap, I always won the match. It just gives you an absurd card advantage in one fell swoop. Even Miracle Rogue can't say the same with the Auctioneer combo.

"Karl. Why were you speeding?"

Marussia's reaction to the news.

Kimi's reaction to the news.

#mode3 #yolo #boxboxbox

The team's going to tweet telemetry to Lewis.

I guess this is a good enough time to post this again.

Her hair looks like a meatball.


meanwhile on the Shai Hulud Expressway....

After 25 years in Arizona, I can certainly say that it's hot. However, if you aren't an idiot (which there are many there who die from dehydration/heat exhaustion every year) it's honestly not that bad. Yes, the water end yes it is certainly a major issue, but at the same time I never saw anyone hard up for water when

While water management is going to be required (no more green yards in western cities), I foresee the western US having to create salt water distilleries. Water isn't the issue, drinking water is the issue and drinking water can be obtained from the ocean pretty easily with a salt water distillery. With how much sun

I will admit I am biased due to being born and raised in Arizona. So I will defend it a little here. You are right that water is a big deal and that will be the make or break point of its success in the future.

Anything's possible, of course, including extensive mismanagement of the city, but is water really that much of a problem? It would of course be a major project, but you could build a pipeline to the Great Lakes if necessary. Oregon and Washington are a lot closer, of course, and maybe have sufficient water, I don't