
The only thing I'm not liking this season is how much more deus ex machina (or should I say Rick ex machina) all of Rick's schemes are. Compare the first episode of this season to the first episode of season 2. Rick actually has to put in some effort and think about how to get out of the time fracture, whereas in this

Does anyone else predict Saul will use the money from the sandpiper settlement to buy his strip mall practice (complete with one inflatable vinyl Statue of Liberty)? Dirty money becoming the seed for a dirty business?

If he really is gone they need to write him off more properly. He needs to go full serial killer and get killed or arrested.

Look if I've learned anything from Star Wars, it's that when an old man stares into the distance and tells you someone they used to work with is dead, it's more likely they just became evil and wear a lot of black now.

As a Jew, I can't argue that the New Testament was a pretty fantastic sequel to the original book. Not many spinoffs truly surpass the original, but that one is pretty compelling.

I gotta give her props for saying "butt" that many times without cracking a smile. I'd probably lose my shit after the first 3 times.

A prime example of the "no true Scotsman" fallacy.

What's that? I can't hear you from up there in your ivory tower.

Because dumb (straight, male) gamers enjoy looking at animated chicks with skimpy clothing and when someone like Anita calls those things out, they start worrying it'll go away (as it should).

It's incredibly clear at this point that she isn't just a shit-stirrer. She obviously believes deeply in what she is doing, and I tend to agree with the things she says. Everyone saying she's just trying to get a reaction from people are just uncomfortable with the truth of what she says.

This argument against her always confuses me. The logic behind it seems to be, more or less, "don't knock it 'til you try it." But there are certain things that don't require my having tried them to know they are undesirable. For example, I've never been a white supremacist, but I don't need to join my local KKK

Let's not even get into his fan service on S3 of Sherlock. Actually, let's get into it just a little bit. I'm fairly certain he literally pulled the script for S3E1 directly off the tumblr fanfic page of some 13 year old girl.

I don't think they realize that eskimo brothers caught on because it's a term that doesn't apply exclusively to fantasy football. Slot shaming can only be used in one very specific context, so no one is gonna keep saying it.

Ruxin's outburst was definitely the most out-of-place moment of the episode. If they wanted to put it in the script, they could have worked up to it naturally, but the entire scene felt like they just wanted to cram as many Jewish jokes as possible into one space, pacing and logic be damned.

Who else caught the bottle of Tres Commas on the shelf behind Laurie?

My thoughts as well. It does very much seem as though it's trying to be the Mad Men for computer nerds, though, and there are so many places where if they had tweaked things just a tad, it would really rise to that level. At parts of season 1, I just wanted to scream at my TV, "No! Why would you ever do *THAT*???"

Later he's seen blowing a cloud of weed smoke right as the word "blazing" is used in conversation.

I nearly pissed myself laughing when Erlich lit up his bong at the same time as critiquing Monica for smoking. And then again right as the word "blazing" is used in conversation. The little details are what make this show for me.

"I loved The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" had me in tears. I love how badly Jared comes off whenever he tries to be well-meaning.

It certainly wasn't tea, that's for sure.