Yano Solong

I'm the person I am today because I read this in middle school, and The Stand directly afterward. In fact, the more I think about it, it's pretty much the ideal age for King.

Can we talk about the fact that splitting this story into "childhood" and "adulthood" pretty much destroys any authorial intent (cocaine-induced, natch) in the narrative? Cutting back and forth between the past and present (and further back and forth in the past of Derry) is what gives the story meaning. Through such

Chump don't want no help, chump don't get no help

AV Club aren't going to call you up and beg you to write that piece. There are no editors scouring the comments looking for frustrated writers like yourself. Write the damn piece if you feel it in your heart, and if AVC won't publish it, find someone who will.