
At an office baby shower, I said that I didn’t want to have children because I don’t think I’d be a good mother. The woman we were throwing the baby shower for turned to me and said “You know how to find out if you’ll be a good mother? Have children.”

I used to be a little reckless with samples/testers in Sephora and at beauty counters until I was in there a couple of years ago and watched horrified as this young woman went around the store grabbing things, then stood in front of a mirror did her ENTIRE FACE using tester products without using a single one of the

I second the Google Voice option. I even picked up a number that started with 666 just to send some subliminal messaging. Haven’t had to use it yet, thankfully.

My dad is a police officer and he’s made so much progress, and I give him credit where he deserves it, but when it comes to talking about sexual assault, he can’t get past “coming from a law enforcement perspective” and saying people should report to the police to “prevent other victims.”

Glad I’m not the only one who thinks about that. I’ve had pretty awful theater anxiety since 2012, which sucks because I go to the movies for a respite from my anxiety and depression. I had the same paranoia when I went to see Wonder Woman opening night.

I’ve always been too afraid of violent retaliation to say it, but I’ve always wanted to shoot back “Then say something funny.” If it ever happened when I was with other people who I trust to intervene should it turn violent, I’d give it a try. But, of course, it usually happens when I am alone.

Oh my god. It’s taken me 23 years for this to click, but I’m just realizing that my dad did/does do this to me all the time. He would/will make a joke, usually at the expense of me or something or someone he knew/knows I felt passionately about, and when I wouldn’t/won’t laugh or crack a smile, he would/will say my

Omg, I literally think about this story anytime I sitting at computer desk with my bedroom door open and immediately get up to close and lock it.

Can we add LGBTQ+ allies?

I’m sure his sermon on Sunday (if they have services) will go a little like “something something, the media, something something, casting the first stone something something, I know what’s in my heart”

I second the fuck out Salma Hayek. Her comment toward Jessica Williams (“Who are you when you’re not black and you’re not a woman? Who are you and what have you got to give?”) was so condescending and privileged and generally rage-inducing. I wasn’t really here for her anyway, but that sealed it.

The weekend after Charlottesville, this white girl I knew in high school, who I had not spoken to or seen in SEVEN YEARS, messaged me on Facebook because she was “unsure how to be a positive and productive member in the fight for equality” and assumed that I and another black girl that she named (who I also knew in

There’s also a reference to her pulling all her music off streaming services when she’s robbing a bank vault. The ticker in the background as she walks out of the vault says “Streaming Co.”

I needed something to listen to at work and decided to stream this album. I had been feeling really down and insecure and unloved lately, so when Liability came on, I just started to cry at my desk.

Family organization is largely matriarchal...

Cause the shit has been intolerable for quite some time, but now you wanna speak up. But you only want to speak up if it’s on your terms. You think because people of color and women are new to the table, that we are new to the game. We are not.

I took an anime class my sophomore year of college, and we had to watch Grave of the Fireflies as an assignment. My roommate came back from band practice to me bawling my eyes out at my desk. I love this movie but I will also never willingly watch it again because it’s absolutely heartbreaking.

Viola can literally pull off any color, it’s unreal.

I’m perfectly fine with this, especially if Ryan Murphy stays far away from it.

I’m from SC too, however, I personally don’t have a problem with his accent given that SC accents—and Southern accents in general—differ based on geography.