
I was thinking maybe Carol and Daryl were watching the place when Beth and Noah made their escape. They managed to grab Noah and get the story out of him, then they decided Carol would infiltrate the place while Daryl and Noah went for reinforcements.

It is the greatest documentary series of all time!

I may be wrong, but the line "The kids would constantly call Chris when he was with Jennifer..." read to me that she was having the kids call Chris specifically when he was with Jennifer, which sort of seems like she's using her children to further some kind of personal vendetta, and that doesn't seem super cool from

Yeah, and the whole "the woman said NOTHING" thing is particularly confusing to me. I am entirely unfamiliar with bro-dude culture (obviously) but I am still pretty certain, "she wouldn't give me the time of day" or a similar figure of speech is still code for "she's ignoring you because she doesn't want to engage

there's a Dallas / Austin rivalry? I guess I've been away from TX for too long.

Spot on. I'm from a Dallas/FtW suburb and have lived in Austin 15 years — college, then a short break away, then back in Austin. Dallas proper DGAF about a supposed rivalry, it's exactly as you say — the areas surrounding Dallas. And I'm fed up with Austin thinking it's so grand, when school funding is a total mess.

Unfortunately, his mugshot was taken moments after Emmitt Smith circumcised him.

I still can't believe Tyreese spared baseball cap guy's life in the season premiere. I can understand wanting to show humanity in an inhuman world, but letting a man who threatened to kill a baby and then sent you out to die is a seriously stupid move.

So… why does Abe do this again?

I grew up in Ann Arbor, and Ive been a Michigan fan since I was old enough to walk. Fuck this team. What a bunch of goddamn assholes. Who the hell walks into the stadium where they got their asses handed to them a year before by a team that FUCKING HATES THEM MORE THAN ANYTHING and goes, "Ya know what? Lets give these

Trying to have a little bit more fun today. The Rocky "If I can change, you can change" speech at the end of the Rocky 4. Rocky ends the cold war in one fell swoop. Americans and Russians alike standing to applaud their hero.

Now playing

The President's speech from Independence day. It gave me chills when I heard it in the theater, and it still holds up.

You just made my day!

Thanks! I thought that was an intense response.

I kept it when I found he'd cheated (she answered his phone and we chatted) and then I returned it to Tiffany. I got ALL the money.

I read that as "downsize farts" and it immediately struck me as the best idea ever.

I think it's too weird/personal (you might inadvertently make them really self-conscious if they were trying to fly under the radar about it), unless they're a friend or have said something to you that kind of opens the topic up. I guess it sort of depends on the culture of your workplace as well. Kind of you to think

And, they cure autism and other neural atypical conditions.

May he live a long life of imprisonment and regret.

In many ways it's like schadenfreude. There's no English word for it, but it's not a concept that is foreign either.