"If you get a girl pregnant and don't really like her, just get a different girl pregnant."
"If you get a girl pregnant and don't really like her, just get a different girl pregnant."
And your comment reveals so much about who you are, as a person. Maybe you should follow the lead of some of the people you cited.
To be fair, he needed to gain some weight. 19 pounds is borderline dangerous.
If I want a flavor snack, I eat dried lentils flavored with the salt of my own tears from watching videos of endangered animals.
WTF/ That's not even insinuated in his post. The point is that the power differential is such that Rice had the ability to restrain/avoid any threat to himself without resorting to a level of violence that left her unconscious.
"Now continue with the normal women beating jokes that Deadspin comments are so great at."
He prefers the term "Notorious H.I.T."
I DID THE HACK and from it I learned that money can buy happiness
I almost put your first paragraph in my post. There's already a TGIT vibe in my classroom with my 4th and 5th graders.
Void, a North Florida culture and lifestyle publication
And lo, the Manly Men, they shall mark themselves in the Shirt of the Mouse and it shall be Good.
I dated a Wiccan vegan who thought that her connection to Mother Gaea would help her connect with animals. Geese were the ones who proved her wrong. Hospitalized wrong.
You don't know how many times I've tried to explain this to women.
I don't want to tell this Peterson fellow what to do, but he probably should avoid a burning contest with Sherman.
Thankfully, @RealPeterson2for1 is behind bars now.
"Nice burns, everyone. Good work with the burns."
JESUS! wow, I'm glad I read the whole comment lol
"Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." — 1 Timothy 2:11