
You think it's bad now ... the only reason she's getting confirmed today is because the lame duck session knows her confirmation would be a shit show in January.

They probably will. This is more about marketing than it is having Rihanna actually control the design process.

I'd guess that most people criticizing for-profit schools have never gotten past the marketing materials for attending one. Yes, many are totally huckster-ey, but the appeal to someone who doesn't have a college degree is obvious, and some of them do have some programs that actually provide you with usable skills as

The study didn't say, but I'd bet you that the average age of these undergrads with kids is not 18-22.

1.2 million student parents attend for-profit institutions, making up 51 percent of the student body at for profits.

When J.K. Rawling contemplates the fact that she can only buy half of the English countryside instead of just buying out the whole place, the character she really regrets killing is Voldemort.

1. I realize that, that's a part of the point. Mid-term voter turnout among demographics that would largely be considered "pro" social change was much, much lower than in the general election, and this has been true for decades. I also was not denigrating polarizing arguments. I was pointing out that going from


Wouldn't the smarter move be to quietly settle for an undisclosed sum if these allegations are true? Negotiate a payout in return for an NDA and allowing the lyrics to stay in seems like the best course of action.

That is so outlandishly insane, there is no hope that he'll ever see reason if he was bananas enough to arrive at that conclusion, so there's really no reason to not laugh at the guy.

These scenes, lacking the linguistic flair that Tony Kushner brought to Lincoln, can be a bit dry, but that appears to be part of DuVernay's point: You don't change the world by speeches, but through diligent, determined action.

I've been fiddling around with Destiny after finally grinding out through all of the Dark Souls DLC on NG++.

If we have another Bush-Clinton race, I'm going to run on a platform for a constitutional amendment that calls for all current and former elected officials at the state and federal level to either be euthanized or barred from running for office.

Sadly, when looking at the Republican field, he's about the most reasonable candidate. His positions on most topics are shit, but he is somewhat more reasonable on immigration, so if I had to pick one of the awful shitheads to see elected, it would be him.

Yep, for all we know, altering the signal on the ground will be akin to activating the Tesseract, alerting galactic civilizations that we are ready for a higher form of warfare.

...and those lines alone would threaten to topple the whole foundation were it not for the softer parts on The Pinkprint, on which she loosens her exoskeleton for a bit on her own terms. More than anything, this is an album about autonomy, which translates to freedom—self-drivenness, autoeroticism—and also being on

Any time a hack like this gets published I am reminded of the ethics relating to reporting about highly private and illegally obtained information that gets plastered all over the internet by hackers is highly situational.

In summary, nuns are lovely and they're doing just fine.

It's true. Those Austinites with their straggly hair and their tattoos and their mission burritos from Freebird tend to think they are liberal progressives, while they all benefit tremendously from Rick Perry's campaign to poach as many businesses as possible from everywhere else in the country, and his refusal to

Personally I think this is just Johansen being bored with being asked about her body all the time but being savvy about how to go about getting people to ask a different question. You get people to ask a different question by giving a boring and demure answer like any old person would give to the question.