
Those Georgia inbreds got nothin' on us, boy.

Yes, because berating people for making wrong assumptions without making an effort to actually prove those assumptions wrong does no good.

They make the assumption that the assumption that all Texans are country hillbillies is a wrong assumption.

No, it wouldn't make her friend right. But you're arguing the hypothetical that didn't happen and making an assload of assumptions about how Tuohy would have handled herself in that event.

In this case, I gotta say I disagree. Sure, many people may be racist towards Middle Easterners, which causes them to make assumptions, such as the assumption that they are mostly all extremists. It's the assumption that they are extremist part that takes things from basic slurs and phobias to calls for

You think that if you came in to a fast food restaurant, didn't buy anything, and sat there texting on your phone that at some point the manager/owner wouldn't wander over to see what's up? You've never had a manager at a restaurant ask you how things were going?

So you're .. mad/acting morally superior because she asked them what they were doing while sitting in her restaurant?

Yes. Even if you like to take up the position that the Bible doesn't have much to say about homosexuality, it's pretty indisputable that premarital sex and sex outside of a monogamous relationship is pretty much a one way ticket to weeping and gnashing of teeth land.

They could tell the people interested in Gone with the Wind that Django Unchained is also a period piece set in the South during that time period, but it has updated effects.

I think they get preserved that way for beneficial tax treatment for the most part. Get rid of that and people would tear them all down because they are old homes that are a pain to remodel that are sitting on prime real estate.

I'm not saying I would make the obvious and lame "Frankly, Kelly, I don't give a damn", joke in reference to how little I have ever cared for this movie, but ... Yeah.

A fair point, but I was moreso obliquely making the point that there are plenty of better things to spend our money on than this, because right now, and for quite some time, the cost of all the space junk is pretty small, whereas it would actually be really expensive to put together a program to remove it.

Or we could divert the funds from all those things and not spend a hundred billion dollars on this, as there are many, many other things that would have a much more beneficial cost/benefit ratio for us.

"Right now, there is no business case for debris mitigation. You cannot rely strictly on commercial market forces to mitigate this," he said.

Or we could not implement a transaction tax on financial trades because that would be a bad idea for a very wide variety of reasons. Instead we should just tax more progressively.

Because in spite of the fact that we are " loudmouth, arrogant, self-aggrandising, history-revisioning, proud-owners-of-apartheid-until-the 1960s fat fucks" we also know how to spot sarcasm on the internet?

The rumor is that since these girls are feminists, thus by definition making them lesbian shitasses, that there is an orgy video floating around that would prove that this mattress would glow brightly under a blacklight.

Good on her for charging straight into the lion's den. I'm sure plenty of people told her she'd be facing a skeptic with Whoopi, but she answered those questions clearly and consistently.

For too many people, look don't touch is them shopping with full intent to buy.
