Well, he's certainly not out of the clear, and the articles I've read suggest that various parts of the PD are pretty pissed at this guy, so things might turn out differently.
Well, he's certainly not out of the clear, and the articles I've read suggest that various parts of the PD are pretty pissed at this guy, so things might turn out differently.
I never worethis particular brand, but yes, it did seem like it made a pretty safe "staple" brand to wear when I was a teenager, and I think plenty of teens just want their fashion choices to "blend in", because many of them hate the fact that fashion choices can matter in the first place.
Well, it's typically still considered a crime to break the law because you are stupid for the rest of us.
"There is a distinct possibility that Officer Liang doesn't quite understand what happened,"
It's a gossip piece on Radar, so I'd give it about as much credibility as I would the random mutterings I make in my sleep.
Ryan Gosling should not talk to Rachel McAdams after having broken up with her while being with another woman simply because there's really nothing good that can come from any sequence of events that was ever in a Nicholos Sparks movie being that closely mirrored in real life.
Jameis' Winston's statement about falsely being accused or rape being almost as bad as rape is obviously, garbage. What's more, I have little to no opinion based on the evidence available to me now whether or not Winston specifically is guilty.
I dunno, presumably his girlfriend is probably already aware of his love of GPS art as this isn't the first time he has done this, so I'm not so sure she wouldn't find this "adorkable" or whatever.
I feel like their product strategy is to try everything that the bozos in product development came up with in their drunk and/or stoned brainstorming sessions.
Right, sure. And the person telling a victim how they should make a deeply personal choice is?
Yeah, that's what I figured. You realized that what you were condoning was someone judging a victim for making a deeply personal choice and now you want to exit the conversation as quickly as possible.
I'm struggling to find a tweet where Iggy Azalea said anything even remotely equivalent to " "like, fill a jar with piss and mayo and eggs and just dump that shit on that bitch's head LMFAOOOOOOO" in this stupid little Twitter fight.
Let me clarify. You do not have the moral "right" to say you are tired of other people making a choice to forgive people who victimized them. Obviously you can say whatever the hell you want, but that doesn't mean you're right for doing so.
Naw. No one gets to say that they'd like to pour a jar of piss and mayo and eggs on someone's head and be taken seriously.
Yes, really. No one has the right to say they are "tired" of other victims choosing to forgive the people who victimized them.
I'm no Iggy Azalea fan either, but yeah, wow, the cherry picking of tweets in this post was a little bit too blatant.
Eh, I dunno. Do we seriously think that Azalea Banks actually gives a shit that Iggy Azalea is appropriating black culture without speaking up about things like the Garner case or Ferguson?
Guys, no significant other name tattoos. They are the literal kiss of death to every relationship.
Grown Ups 2 collectively lowered the intelligence of the entire planet just by existing, so I believe it's entirely possible that it will cause more problems over the long run than Good Hair.