
Taylor Swift dating your son is your biggest fear?

As an Internet writer, it goes, selecting an outfit is as easy as just asking, "What's clean?"

Can Jennifer Aniston going full Monster-mode save this movie from Sam Worthington?

Griffin might be unsalvageable, but he's so young that I have to doubt it.

When Jesus says that in Matthew 11, he's talking about rest for your soul. He's not talking about it being the "good life" in a worldly sense at all though, which the administrator is clearly saying. Jesus also says at numerous other times that Christians should take up their cross and follow him, and that the only

You have no clue what you are talking about when you call it "shit training" because police officers can shoot kneecaps out at range with a hand gun, yes. It isn't shit training, it's that the type of person who can develop a skill set that includes shooting a small moving target with a hand gun is exceedingly rare,

Like seriously. I'm of the school of thought when it comes to child pornography and pedophilia charges, banishment to a walled off area in the wilderness with a loincloth and a stick is the most appropriate punishment, so maybe I'm not the most rational judge of these sorts of things.

Jeez I had forgotten about that garbage fire.

No, it isn't shit training, you just have no clue what you are talking about. The skill to hit a moving target the size of a person's shoulder or extremities with a hand gun at range is not something that even most members of the military possess. The number of variables that have to be accounted for in a short span

and the absurdity of forcing a team to play twice in five days while it crows about player safety.

It's going to be hard to sue him without any indictment. You can win a civil case even if a person is found not guilty in the criminal case. That gets a lot harder if there was no indictment in the first place.

The richest part is that the best thing Marris could come up with was scholarships, not you know, white people being shot by cops too.

It makes me think of the old Adam Smith bit about how a man could hear that half of the population of China died in an earthquake on the same day that he stubbed his toe, and he'd spend more time fretting over his toe than the fact that hundreds of millions of people died.

I know we're joking and looking at this from how conservatives spin these types of things, but I also think this is a real problem amongst liberals/progressives. They'll be pissed that he doesn't do anything, but the thing is, if he did try to do something, he'd be practically fitting his and many of the Democrats'

Powerful imagery, but unfortunately the narrative retorts to this one run down along well worn tracks. There's got to be some way to move the conversation past these initial point / counterpoint / counterpoint / counterpoint cycles.

Police are trained to, if the elect to draw their weapon, shoot to kill until the target goes down completely. Police are also trained to shoot for center mass, not only because it's easier to hit unless you are a highly skilled marksmen, because hitting a target in the extremities or even the shoulder may not even


Some insurance policies that have been active for more than a few years still pay out in the event of a suicide, but other than that, no, not really.

What? Don't you hate it when you accidentally put a bullet in the wrong guy at the wrong time? It really is sort of a pain in the ass.

Darren Wilson's life is ruined because of this. Remember that