Maybe, but the book wasn't quite as popular with the target audience as many other series. , due to how old it was. I think Disney underestimated how much work it would be to properly promote what was indeed a decent film.
Maybe, but the book wasn't quite as popular with the target audience as many other series. , due to how old it was. I think Disney underestimated how much work it would be to properly promote what was indeed a decent film.
Based on his assessment that psychological damage scales inversely with intelligence, he should actually be paying people to regularly and publicly shame him.
I don't think it's physically possible to get sick of those things, if only because they'd kill you long before you could get sick of them.
Ranch dressing is the lubricant that keeps the salty sugary paste that can only tangentially be called "blood" flowing through my veins.
My experience with Europeans and our horrifically unhealthy guilty pleasures like those cheddar biscuits is that it's like tempting Adam and Eve with the forbidden fruit.
The moral of this story is that it's better to have low expectations from the start and not be surprised than it is to have high expectations and be dissapointed.
Yeah, but that's like saying my garage band is good. Maybe we are, but the problem is no one wants to take the time to properly promote us so we can be heard.
Taylor Kitsch too, presumably as part of his years-long effort to bury John Carter of Mars deep in the sands of, uh, Mars.
Right? Take him to Red Lobster and he'd be dead within the night from a massive heart attack.
"Well, maybe I will come to your country then. And eat all of your bread!"
Maybe we could finally have a real life Hunger Games.
Dominic Raiola has always sort of seemed like that one crazy uncle everyone puts up with around the holidays.
Oof. It might be a bit too soon for the "Adrian Peterson style" jokes.
You have to admit, picturing Whoopi and Rosie going toe-to-toe to the tune of Girlfight! is a pretty hilarious mental image.
I know there's some truth to this idea. I used to be one of those guys and I chalk it up to immaturity. IT's the difference between knowing that you yourself are a decent person and wouldn't ever do horrible things and gaining a little perspective and understanding how things can be deeply hurtful and damaging.
I've been on the other end of that joke before. We were not on a date, but a group of work people went for a drink and a few of their other friends came and I wound sitting next to some lady I barely knew.
Some people might say "He doesn't deserve an award for doing the right thing" but I disagree. Peer pressure is a powerful thing, and people who are that age are typically really bad at resisting it. Encouraging those who do so is a good signal to send to other people who might be tempted to not speak up when they…
Kelly only says she hated Saving Christmas.