
According to Jackie, fellow students warned that her "reputation would be shot" within the school's Greek scene if she went to the police.

Obviously you can answer this question however you see fit, but in my book, there's a point at which the unethical things they do rises to a point where even the relatively miniscule amount of support you are providing for them by tuning into a re-run is too much.

How many people were actually criticizing her as compared to just being sort of surprised at how dramatic the changes were, in neither a good or bad way?

This means her life has just been a very long set-up to a "U.N.I.T.Y." joke.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about this story makes me think it's going to be a media shit show.

On the other hand, if you are a troll, then you're just a troll.

If it were any more Nickelback-ish, I'm pretty sure it would tear a hole in the fabric of space-time and let the Langoleers through to consume the entire universe.

Didn't Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tiger Woods quite thoroughly disprove the whole "My wife is hotter than the women you are accusing me of sleeping with/raping" line of reasoning?


I actually question whether a lot of these cable news hosts have PR managers. Most of them probably fancy themselves savvy enough to figure out how to talk to people on their own.

No offense Kara, but it was clearly not his intent to offend you with that apology.

I was minding my own business, not hurting anyone, and then this lady comes along and makes me feel like a bum. Jerk.

Yeah, it's all just bullshit.

They can do whatever they want, and right now they feel like creating apps being just like all of the other cool kids

It's not weird. It's totally consistent if you look at things through the right paradigm. It's the same reason that the NFL didn't give a shit about what Ray Rice did until the elevator video actually came out. NBC isn't canceling the show because they think Cosby is a bad guy. I mean, they might, or they might not

"I can't agree with this court referring to me as a witch. I'm a Christian," she replied.

I'd have zero problem with Minaj if it didn't seem like at times she wanted to have her cake and eat it too, much as your problem with her response to the letter.

Yeah, but do you really think that Cosby would have had much trouble attracting good talent around him prior to these allegations?

Is Nicki Minaj really that much better than Lil Kim was though?

Good points, but that doesn't really jive with my pathological need to feel morally superior to as many people as possible.