this makes me unreasonably happy.
this makes me unreasonably happy.
This current era of the Kinja sites, where simply shitting on people for a living and calling it journalism, is particularly groan inducing.
wow someone hates a lot of actors for no good reason. lot of those people are actually really talented. If you dont like their movies, don’t watch them? Or was this article just for the clicks?
January Jones dodged a huge bullet here.
The box office of the human heart.
The NRA would never stand for this!! Only the white kids get guns.
Here you go:
Two reasons:
“Perfection is the enemy of good.”
Hi Amy!
Allegedly, the reshoots haven’t happened yet and part of it might involve cutting out a post-credits sequence and that’s the only reason I wonder if Disney is trying to salvage something from it as part of the next phase. But you’re far more likely to be right.
In my day app was short for a brief sleep, often during the day. Oh wait, that’s nap. Never mind.
Oh yeah - here’s your chance to re-take the throne, Musicmatch!
The Pueblo I know identify as Pueblo in aggregate, and by their individual pueblo like Laguna or Acoma individually. Kind of like how I’m trying to explain that Inuit/Yupik people use Inuit or Yupik in aggregate, and out individual villages individually.
With FX’s love for off beat, but well established directors I feel like they’ll let this go on for as long as they want to keep making it or it comes to a conclusion. Plus with the Disney takeover getting a Taika Waititi show is probably extra comfy.
are you SURE you haven’t read the comics??? (Sounds like you’d enjoy them, at least the late 70s early 80s
They also realised the middle section was strikingly similar to ‘The Gods Must Be Crazy’, at which point they admitted the screenwriting process had gotten away from them a bit.
I don’t think he wanted better actors. He wanted people under his control to have sex in front of him in a way that he found pleasing. Some call that “directing,” others have different words for it.
“Incels also argue that women get similarly invasive procedures regularly and aren’t criticized.”
It reminded me most of the first Thor movie.
Captain Marvel and Thor are both about their protagonists coming to terms with and growing into their powers in a fish out of water setting. Hemsworth and Larson both sort of look like they’re not totally sure who the character they’re playing is supposed to be yet.