Steve N

In terms of shitty straight-to-video sequels, A Christmas Story 2 came out in 2012, 29 years after the original.

Easy Rider and Easy Rider 2 were 43 years apart but the quality gap between the two is cavernous. 

It's all hollywood cheese, but nonetheless I always got choked up at the end when kurt Russell watches his brother fighting the final fire fight and says "that's my brother, god damn it". 

The Hustler and The Color of Money had a 25 year gap and that turned out alright.

Hell, The Force Awakens was 30 years after RotJ.

While it’s only 25 years between Slap Shot and Slap Shot 2, I thought that might be worth mentioning as another William Baldwin vehicle. When I look it up now, it turns out that one is Stephen.

Me (from the future): Avatar

The classic example in modern times is Blade Runner to Blade Runner 2049. But that was a mere 35 years as opposed to Bambi’s sequel. Although Bambi II was one of those direct-to-video sequels so maybe it doesn’t really count.

According to this, over 40 times at least.

The longest gap between original film and sequel is 63.5 years: Bambi and Bambi II, from August 1942 to February 2006.

Something I like not being cancelled? I don’t know how to react that’s never happened before.

I think one thing we’ve learned recently is that “Hey, that’s actually a clever idea” doesn’t automatically translate into a compelling movie.

Just Case is a pretty weird video game where you’re supposed to scout a bank for a heist later in the week. There are a whole bunch of opportunities to steal things as you’re checking it out, but your crew constantly admonishes you if you try: “Don’t steal things. Just case.”

I hear that until Georgia repeals the Law, The Presidents of the United States of America will neither go down there nor eat any of its peaches.

I hate that Brad Pitt still has abs at his age and I’m out of shape and wasting my time on my laptop and commenting on how smart or dumb Drogon is.

The Witch is one of the most exquisitely composed movies I’ve ever seen. It’s just so damn well put together that it’s one of the few horror movies I’ve rewatched. Eggers has a blank check for movies as far as I’m concerned, and I will absolutely see The Lighthouse in theaters

Well, I liked the Dany/Jon scene with the Iron Throne, and it was especially heartbreaking to see Drogon nudging her lifeless body, but overall I can’t help but feel somewhat underwhelmed at that finale.

HBO should release a redone 8th season... but the only change is that there are more coffee cups hidden around.

Remake the... my lord, people are astoundingly stupid.

This broadly speaks to one of my pet peeves in life: Don’t talk to me the first time like you’ve already told me three times. In any situation. The flight attendant should start off with a polite but firm “I understand that you’re joking, but federal regulations forbid me from giving free alcohol for any reason, so