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This video series does a great job of showing just how bad it is.

I am libertarian and married a brainwashed republican - no, really... he’s fucking brainwashed. It is extremely frustrating and any conversation that turns to politics results in my calculating the cost of divorce before deciding that murder is way cheaper.

Thank you. I have found happiness.

What will happen when these non-white retailers go out of business? Why, they’d need government assistance!

Also, I just wanted to say pop off again. Pop off.

To try and remain positive, I try to think of it not as a backslide but as the remnants of hard-core white power doubling down in their death throes. The alternative is so terrifying.

Hey you know what? More power to both of them. They each have their own standards for how they want a relationship to be and what they want out of it. By adhering to them, they've realized they're not compatible and are going their separate ways to find spouses that are more suited to their needs and wants. That's

Him and Divine (RIP) stand off in the sequel to Pink Flamingos

John 6:55

Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.

Exactly what caught my eye: “Jesus’ teachings on gay marriage” start and end with “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Unless you think JC was sock-puppetting Paul and whoever wrote Leviticus, Jesus had no specific teachings on gay marriage. Can we stop calling these people Christians and start calling them Leviticans or

People who use the bible as a reason/excuse often, perhaps unsurprisingly, have actually read very little of it.

Oh stop it now. You can quote the bible all you want. She is only going to pick the parts that she agrees with. Like any fundy.

Good thing there’s a surplus of $1.5 million. It will make it easier for the county to pay civil rights damages to the four couples Davis has denied licenses. I bet everyone in the county who worked so hard and sacrificed so much to achieve such a large surplus will be soooooooooo glad that it’s all being pissed away

If anything, it might reduce her workload, seeing as how she won’t need to “service” him in the innumerable ways he expects on an immediate, daily basis.

“According to his children, the dad’s last words were- and I’m paraphrasing here, your Honor- “I want to see a manager, those grills marks look crunchy and I’m allergic to crunchy.”

To me, these images seem far more hallucinatory than dreamlike.

Yes but on acid everything is moving.

Having done acid, I want to say... YES.