
Oh, come on. Just sing “The Neverending StoreeeeEEEEEEEE!” with the rest of us whenever Dany hops on

My mom has fallen for the scam where someone calls pretending to be the bank, and they need to confirm the debit card number for some reason. Fortunately, once she hung up, it wasn’t sitting well, and she called her bank to make sure the call was legit. They were able to cancel the card before anything bad happened.

Isn’t there also stuff in the Bible about not shaving/ cutting your hair, eating pork, wearing mixed fabric clothes, etc.? What kills me about these biblical literalists is that picking and choosing is all they do.

I was just thinking about how our generation will be remembered and I came up with, “the last generation to grow into adulthood before the internet was ubiquitous”.

You’ve got it backwards. Americans don’t ride trains because the trains SUCK and driving is easier, more pleasant, and more efficient than Amtrak. They’re the butt of every joke for a reason.

Here come the “BUT MERICUH IS DIFFERENT” posts that will vomit out the same tired (bullshit) reasons for why trains are communist/gay/Anti-American.

Whoa, whoa, whoa - would someone please let Congress in on the fact that America is becoming “less religious”? Maybe then we can get this fake Christianity crap out of our government...

>Lemon grab a divisive character.

I swoon for Songza I found it a couple of years ago and it is my fave and free

Songza is underrated they have such quirky playlists!

Songza is THE BEST. I am currently listening to “Timeless R&B Diva Sing-Alongs”, and it is EVERYTHINGGGGG. So. Much. WHITNEY.

Prime Music is fine for a free addition to a service I already pay for, but it would be the WORST if they tried to sell that for $10/mo.

your casual use of “cromulent” embiggens my spirit.

Aww, its just a baby!

The initial presentation was creepy, you know, a bunch of joyless millionaires, some years past their prime and a guy wearing a mask.

I think part of their problem (other than the app sucks, apparently) was that they didn’t tell anyone what it was. All the public saw was a bunch of pictures of famous musicians at an event together. I deduced that it was a streaming site pretty quickly, but still had very little information on how it worked or why it

It’s not that people don’t care about audio quality - it’s that the difference between Tidal’s audio quality and its competitors is negligible to all but the most discerning ears with access to excellent audio equipment.

I’ve been giving Amazon Prime Music’s streaming stations a try and it too leaves a lot to be desired when compared to Pandora or Spotify, but at least I don’t have to pay anything extra for it.

I am STILL feeling a sense of rage inside me about how off point this whole thing was. The commercials. The app design. The price. Every decision-maker on this thing was out of touch with the real world.