
Do these people even read the Bible?

Wait, I thought Christians were supposed to be looking forward to Christ’s return in the second coming and/or the rapture. In that case, shouldn’t she be *thanking* Obama?

Michele Bachman’s corporeal form vanishing from this material world in an instant, while the rest of us are left behind? If only we were that lucky.

God I love when they’re all directly confronted with what inclusion means. If you’re gonna let one religion in, you have to let them all!

Yes, oral sex is considered sodomy and yet I don’t hear them yelling about that. As to your last point, yes, I completely agree. The religious fundamentalists focus is always on the sexual part of gay relationships as if love, commitment and companionship are non-existent. They think that gay people are some different

Yet they never try to ban the marriage between heterosexual couples who decide not to have children, cannot have children or are past childbearing age. They are using “be fruitful and multiply” and applying it to only one group of people, gays. They remain completely silent about the other, heterosexual couples who

I was openly bi in my Southern frat in the aughts and those straight dudes had a real fascination with gay sex, yeah I slept with a few of course, but they all were just very concerned about the details of how it worked.

Because if I have to acknowledge the likelihood that my parents had sex, it’s at least better to assume it was dutiful and joyless and only happened the once.

Not a huge fan of cheating to get things, but I'm going to use this to get unavailable event pokemon.

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The best thing about guinea pigs is the weird ass noises they make.

One important misconception that you're missing is the persistent narrative that people in Medieval Europe were all white. The Medieval POC website/Tumblr/Twitter feed is doing a lot to dispel that notion.

Is that Charles Koch, or his brother David?

Unions aren't perfect, but I'd still take one over working at one of these horror-stories any day of the week. Capitalism is a cancer.

What's more shocking to me is how few people make the connection between lack of unionization and monumentally bad working conditions. If I had a nickel for every friend I've had who can go on about how evil the big bad unions are and still express shock and outrage over the kind of behavior described in these sort of

And here I thought they were just evil cartoon characters.


I'm not sure I have enough for all of them....

I think I may be the only one in the whole world who loved this season. It wasn't perfect, but the diversity of the actors more than made up for that, in my opinion. Name one other show that has had the guts to portray people with developmental disabilities, genetic deformities and mental illnesses without turning

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Also a great way to introduce them to contemporary art installations!