
Falco is right next to Fox...

I came here expecting to see some time lapse gifs showing how the work progressed, so I'm a little disappointed. From pristine to major metropolis in two images is not exactly what I hoped for.

Uh, it usually does come out as a stream, except for like, the morning after if some semen is still in the urethra or at the urethral edge, then it sometimes sprays off sideways.

This seems to be the most common reverse misunderstanding:

Especially since most kids are smarter than their parents when it comes to technology.

Firefox sucks though.

No, it would not be great because the gay folks would just start using it to do all those unnatural things that gay folks do, like start families, raise children, and establish close, loving relationships.

As someone currently waddling painfully around her office while 36 weeks pregnant, because she doesn't want to start her maternity leave clock a second sooner than she has to...WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY ARTIFICIAL WOMBS?

This moron just referred to herself as a "token vagina." That right there tells you all you need to know about her view of the worth of women as human beings.

Now I can finally experience the sounds of a coffee shop on the beach that's on fire.

to be honest, the memorization of multiplication tables is one of only a handlful of useful math stuff I learned in school. I use it everyday. But of course it can only be useful as supplemental-you still need to understand how it works.

I dated a girl in high school who was devoutly religious and kept trying to convert me. I usually reacted with good humor and just politely declined, because I appreciate the thought. (It's nice for someone to be worried about my eternal soul on my behalf.) One day she broke down in hysterics because she and her

And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.

I remember a Bible study in 1999 where a girl broke down weeping over how sad she was that when all the righteous were raptured on NY (or NYE? Unclear even then), my Catholic ass would be left behind because I wouldn't get myself saved in her evangelical church. It was amazing to watch the mania build and build and

I live in Texas. If our zealot home school community is raptured, I 'm going to take my chances down here. Is anyone else watching The Leftovers?

The children of religious nuts are a group of people that I really feel terrible for.

"Please, god, tell me there is some situation that an artist will not depict Disney Princesses in."

Why can't things be taught in 2 places? You know, to make sure everyone gets it at least once and some lucky kids get it twice! That doesn't really seem harmful . . . .

I do not understand video games and I even feel angry because, at Nintendo's shareholders' meetings, the shareholders always discuss things relating to video games or such childish topics as "what the future of video games should be," while I, for one, was flabbergasted that Mr. Iwata continues to hold his position