
I really hate the whole "well gay people should learn to be more tolerant of people who think they are disgusting subhumans!" thing. I think that the man (I don't know any of their names, not rewatching find out) when he very accurately pointed out that LGBT individuals spend their entire lives learning to negotiate

I'm shocked "pay extra for this thing you already pay for" was a policy that survived this long

Conchita Wurst is a female character portrayed by the male performer Thomas Neuwirth.

I'll probably get flamed to death over this, but I really don't think fraternities and sororities are the devil as people here seem to think. People act like Greek life is the only thing causing rape on campus. The fact is, the same guys in frats will still get together and have parties and potentially roofie girls.

I used to babysit for this white family when I was a tween and when carrying the three year old up to bed he said "Hey your skin" I said yea?? "It's brown like Suzie. Suzies nice" And fell asleep. I forever love the Rugrats cuz that was the cutest babysitting memory.

In another thread long ago, a person shared a story about being a white toddler who absolutely mortified her mother by asking a black lady in a store bathroom why the water wasn't washing the dirt off her hands. To the black lady's credit, she took the kid's question at face value and nicely explained that her skin

Also, whose oven and house would she have baked shit-filled goods in? Because I wouldn't have volunteered mine.

Not long ago, you posted about how many Republicans (especially younger ones) support gay marriage.

I honestly don't understand how you can be LGBTQ, a woman, or a person of color and support this party. It absolutely boggles my mind. They are so clearly a bunch of crazed bigots, and yes I am judging them by their most outspoken members because those are the people making the shitty legislation and nobody is

is the Chinese government REALLY in the wrong for getting rid of Big Bang Theory though?

Marget Atwood once recalled that when she asked a male friend why men feel threatened by women, he answered, "They are afraid women will laugh at them." When she asked a group of women why they feel threatened by men, they said, "We're afraid of being killed."

Homophobes can never conceive that they might know gay people who they know to be actual humans, worthy of love or respect.

Relevant item: um, she looks fucking dope. There were probably a hundred identical ballgowns in different shades of blech at that prom, and she looks dope. Nuff said.

My partner is a furnace. We actually have to sleep under seperate blankets or else risk heat stroke.

Voice: Hello, and welcome to the Springfield Police Department Resc-u-Fone. If you know the name of the felony being committed, press one. To choose from a list of felonies, press two. If you are being murdered or calling from a rotary phone, please stay on the line.

Now playing

But it could be so fun to have a mannequin come alive at night!

Who still shops in retail stores?

My friend and I were discussing that this morning; our first thought was "thank God the kid didn't have a gun."

Shake harder, boy!

I have dated men who had both big dicks and big guns. Just sayin'.