Have you encountered any Legendaries yet? The Kanto Legendaries (Mewtwo and either Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres) play this theme when you fight them.
Have you encountered any Legendaries yet? The Kanto Legendaries (Mewtwo and either Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres) play this theme when you fight them.
Fairy types make lance look like a bitch anymore.
Alder, champion of Pokémon Black & White (He's not all about having the most powerful 'mon, which makes him a curious champion.)
Do other people say "snes" like this guy? I always say each letter, "S-N-E-S"
Thanks to a bubble tape commercial, my brother still says "Chew dicks not tape or you'll never get into college." And laughs to himself.
The entire staff is just like "we were told we had to have Nancy Grace on here, we knew she'd say something idiotic, let's just move on", and it's great.
Right?! Every time a moderate Christian claims that "most Christians" don't think like that/do that/etc I wonder how that tiny minority of Christians that are bigoted asshats manage to run schools, mega-churches, the American government, etc.
Religious freedom is a fundamental right, but incorporating a business is not. When you form a corporation, you also take on the corresponding benefits and obligations. If your religious beliefs prohibit you from following through with those obligations, then you must choose between your fundamental,…
thanks for making every adoption agency and rightwing jerkoff think every same-sex couple who wants to adopt will do this, ladies! thanks a FUCKING LOT.
So I've only been at this parenting thing for 2 years now, but in my experience, just do your best not to push an agenda one way or the other. This means…
WTF? How often do you vomit that you would need something like this?
I went through the hell of dealing with serial companies that, apparently, bought the debt of "Sandra Ruiz" who had my landline number before me. They were your typical offshore scumbag collection companies, based in Florida. It went on for months, multiple daily calls outside the "permitted" hours. I'd told them…
So sexism. Much misogyny. Wow.
Do: Rub one out.
Don't: Think about what happens after death.
It's amazing until you realize the real life context for this gif.
Right?!? I'm almost 33 years old, been playing this game since I was a kid, and NEVER knew that. Always hit the vine to get there. My entire childhood was a lie...