
"Turbonerds" looks like "turdboners" and that makes me giggle.

I grew up in a extremely homophobic christian fundamentalist household. My mom refused to watch Finding Nemo because Dory was voiced by Ellen Degeneres and she was sick and lived a wicked lifestyle. For the first part of my life, I lived in a small midwestern town where this seemed like the norm, so I didn't really

Did somebody say Sex Olympics?

God, it really SHOULD be required, though. Although I would feel pretty bad for all the 101 teachers forced to have the "understanding privilege" convo with every single entitled special snowflake student in the school. That sounds like a special kind of hell.

You know, I've sat in the first lecture for a class and gotten the distinct impression that spending two hours every week sitting there for the next four months would be overwhelming. I reacted by dropping those classes and quickly signing up for something that seemed more tolerable.

Holy crap, this is the most cumbersome thing in the world. Why in the world can't I just move Pokemon from any box in Black/Black2 and not just Box 1. So annoying. At least I have nothing to do today.

try looking at gay frot. that in and out stuff gets old.

A few things:
- In straight porn the focus is on the woman doing stuff/having stuff done to her. As a straight woman I find the sight of another woman face covered in jizz a complete ladyboner killer. That might be the same reason that straight guys like watching two women together.
- The men are actually attractive and

Isn't that what gay porn is for?

Having grown up in New York, on the water, in close proximity to swans.... fuck 'em. Kill 'em and let god sort them out. Swans are the biggest fucking assholes on the face of the planet. If birds wore hats, they would wear fedoras.

I'm poking at use of 'old fashioned'. I find it funny that trying to use a PC as..well, a PC is considered old fashioned and using it as a glorified tablet is not.

also who are these dudes running around kissing hands

I propose shouting "VOTES FOR WOMEN!" as the proper response to any m'ladying.

For me as well. Both my kids just blow me away with how smart and talented they are, but they still lack a lot of maturity.

She may not need the money. But let's give her some credit ... to get the $ she'd have to deny who she really is by pretending to be straight for her father.

It is pretty sickening and sad at times.

Video went private. Anyone got it saved?

Don't know if it's right or wrong anymore, but I refuse to pronounce "GIF" as "JIF."

This calls for a celebration!