
That is honestly bullshit! If Google was helping them circumvent their means of preventing direct linking, I’d understand, but they aren’t even disallowing direct linking! They haven’t even done the bare minimum to secure their product before they deployed the lawyers!

So you’re sending lower-resolution, scaled versions of what you searched. Thats fine I it works for you, but I want full resolution originals

That still is not the full sized image. That is the scaled down version present on the search results page

Because that opens up the thumbnail present on the search results, not the original, full-resolution image

Why was it Google’s responsibility to do anything? Getty Images should be denying direct linking to their images like angelfire did back in the day and keep search engines from indexing your pages. Secure your own damn product! Also Bing images still has view image. Is Getty gonna sue Microsoft next? Are they going to

Before any of this ASK YOU PARTNER FIRST! Im a guy who doesn’t really like their balls touched at all. Not only would I prefer anything else, I find the sensation of them being moved or manipulated in anyway very uncomfortable and not at all pleasurable.

gay male here. Douching helps. If you have gas or bloating, a squirt or two from a douche will alleviate it for a while. I’ve done it just so I wouldn’t be flatulent at a social event and it works!

the new legendaries look like Solgaleo/Lunala fused with Necrozma

Try playonlinux or its cousin playonmac which greatly simplify it and let you create environments for each app you want to run

Have you tried winetricks to install the requisite direct X libraries that those applications likely depend on?

I don’t like the new interface. It’s visually pleasing to look at, but sucks in all other ways. They took away the non-specific recommendations, which I enjoyed, because they kept me from getting into a musical rut

Then why didn’t he flee straight to Russia and seek asylum? He went to Hong Kong where he thought he could stay. He only went to Russia after Hong Kong made it clear that he wasn’t staying there long-term

If I recall correctly, he applied for asylum in several other countries once the US was after him and only sort of got asylum in one of the US’s geopolitical adversaries because obviously US-allied nations aren’t going to grant him asylum and piss the US off.

agreed. Russia didn’t want to help Sanders, they wanted to help Trump

also more levitating and dancing Angela Bassett!

YAAS! Ryan Murphy confirmed that Coven will be revisited (sorry, haters!) because Scatach is a central character to the AHS series and the original Supreme

Everyone bitches and moans that American Horror isn’t scary when it’s mostly drama with a paranormal element, then they bitch and moan when it’s mostly gory violence and jump scares typical of actual horror movies. What the fuck do you people want?

I’m guessing Bernie bros is a pejorative for overzealous Bernie supporters in which case I guess you’re right? The one person I could characterize as a Bernie bro is voting Johnson. As a run-of-the-mill average Bernie supporter, I read him for filth for that before unfriending him because he literally jumped the

not really. He used to have newsworthy things to release, now they’re “meh” at best and are not worth reporting on without some sort of imaginary scandal. Wikileaks is bigger than Assange. What good does cutting him off from the internet do? It’s ineffective at best and self-defeating at worst. That’s why I can’t

I bet he’s bullshitting. Make a lot of drama for more attention making a not-particularly sensational story more sensational.