
Error? that’s a feature! Putin loves Trump, not Sanders. They had to wait til Trump was the opponent or else it would have been Sanders vs. Trump

Yeah, Julian and wikileaks lost all integrity for me when they started tweeting out “what disease does Hillary have?” polls on twitter and selling anti-hillary t-shirts in their merch store. They went from being an organization for radical transparency to one of transparent bias and animus.

both those third party choices are terrible!

OMG! Are these people for real? No one had any problems with male clefairy, sylvion, or any of the other fairy-type pokemon that can be male. Perhaps it picks up a fairy typing in its final stage evolution, but really it doesn’t matter. It’s a damn pokemon!

yeah, that’s what I always hear. People start on pills and move to heroin. What are the circumstances of people who go straight to heroin? are there even people who go straight to heroin?

yeah, that’s exactly the point I was making. They made it impossible to find an impartial jury now

too bad making the evidence viral makes assembling a constitutionally-mandated impartial jury near impossible!

got hooked on prescription opiates, then heroin cases aside, how do people get started on heroin? I just don’t get how, given how visibly it destroys lives, why anyone would say “sure, I’ll try that!”

making the story and picture go viral will ensure jury selection will be hell. Everyone will have seen this picture and they won’t be able to assemble an impartial jury

My father-in-law does this. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know the difference between a like and a share or between a status update or comment and a private message

a little off-topic, but Double Team is so much better in the anime than it is in the game. In the anime, it’s basically a kage bunshin no jutsu for pokemon. In the game, it just increases your evasiveness.

The commercial is actually chinese

I agree. As far as I am concerned FGM, procedures to “normalize” the genitals of intersex children, and male circumcision are all unacceptable for many reasons, one of which that is common to all 3 is the violation of bodily autonomy/lack of consent and the lack of medical necessity. I get that male circumcision

actually it was. It says it above that circumcision was recommended to curb masturbation.

there is still the matter of consent and bodily autonomy, though. It may not be as severe, but it is still a violation of bodily autonomy

Acorns severely complicated my tax returns over a few cents invested abroad and their tax forms are nearly unreadable and impenetrable. Not worth it at all!

It’s better if you remember that her initial involvement with the Dothraki was as an unwilling bride/rape survivor and tool of her brother’s ambitions. She didn’t go into it with the intention of liberating anyone, it just sort of happened

or install the dosh khaleen as local rulers of the cities of slaver’s bay! Let them keep the queen’s peace!

yeah, it only shows who you’re replying to, not which specific comment you replied to. It makes it hard to follow a conversation.