
edit: oops! replied in wrong thread. ignore this post

The only bubbles of culture I know of are in places that can be described as "rural america" aka his land of god, guns, and gravy. If knowing everyone in your small town is a point of pride, you are living in the very definition of a bubble.

Maybe you don't have to think about these things because you have characters you identify with everywhere, if only in gender. What about trans people?? Out of all the characters, they get maybe one that they can point to and say "I'm like that character/that character is like me!". Why do you have a problem with

It's such a minor loose end though! It would be tedious to tie all those ends up.

She wore visible pantyhose in other scenes too, not just here, yet no one around her noticed.

Suspension of disbelief. Come on, her best friend and none of her freaks knew about them. She managed to conceal them from the people closest to her for years! Why do you insist on holding a work of fiction to such a standard of realism? If a ghost of a long-dead freak can appear and take the souls of freaks who

I'm better at interpreting other people's creative works than I am at producing my own. I think trying to see that detail through would be rather dull and unnecessary. There's more interesting things to focus on in the allotted time

So we hate the thigh gap, but love it at the same time?

What's wrong with sitting to pee though? Why is it shameful? Sometime's its just practical. Want to pee at night and don't want to be blinded by the light? Sit and pee. Want to text and pee? Sit. Too lazy/drunk? Sit.

My guess: Bette inherits Dandy's fortune as his wife and uses the money to make Jimmy's problems disappear.

Come on, folks! Ever hear of suspension of disbelief? If they explain away everything and tie up ever plotpoint 100%, you leave no room for interpretation or sequel.

she hides them under leggings. Even her closest friend had no idea til she put a bullet in one.

those were great episodes. IMO so were the episodes where Dell attempts suicide and is heckled by Ethel, and the episode after ma petite dies as distrust and paranoia grow among the freaks

They also rewrote the role for a tall man when they cast a transwoman for the role.

he killed them because they insulted him, spit on him, then quit

people cared about ma petite!

ugh! Those are some gross, bizarrely skinny and frail looking legs.

game theory needs more theory and less everything else. It's so damn annoying! Also his pronunciations of some pokemon names are insufferable!

I made mine do that on purpose!

Why is that weird? We live in a world where some people keep rabbits as pets, while others hunt and eat them