
anyone could say they had sex with him. None of them have proof they had sex with him

if you're going to make school mandatory to that degree, you better the hell leave summer vacation intact. If you do not, becoming a parent means 13 years of no vacations. Trying to insert weeks or whatever to compensate for this would just create vacation hell weeks where everyone tries to vacation at once.

well, there's that whole part where there is a witness to Hae being alive at the time the state says she was dead, but she was never interviewed by police or put on the stand at the trial. If she was alive during Adnan's only time without a solid alibi, then the case against him falls apart quickly.

You are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If they can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did it, then he should be presumed innocent

oh also let's not forget the one woman who says Hae was alive and prepping to go to a wrestling match at the time the state is saying she was dead aka the only time Adnan did not have a solid alibi for

I'm terrified that, despite the existence of physical evidence collected, none was ever tested or brought to trial.

statements are shit. His word versus Jay's. I'm shocked no physical evidence was presented. DNA collected from Hae's body was even tested. Adnan at the end of Serial consented for them to FINALLY test this. DNA evidence >>>> every other piece of trash evidence the state used in this trial

seconding this sentiment! Holiday cards are the worst offenders!

who does Bieber think he's fooling? He has almost no bulge at all!

I was too smart and too logical for a 6 year old. I reasoned that the santa mythos can't possibly be true because not all the world's children were christian, and even then, he can't possibly make the trip that fast. Also Santa changes face and voice between "meeting" him. I'm not kidding, these were the thoughts I

already posted, but went on to write a longer debunk on tumblr. Here it is:

Wait, isn't there a reference to Kalos and Kanto being at war sometime in the past around the point in X/Y where you have to chase that guy's furfrou around the garden? I think it's on one of the monuments in the garden

Nintendo has yanked online services for inappropriate content before and they'll do it again too. I'd rather they keep the online trade/battle because honestly that gives the game its replay value.

have you ever been on I95? Through my state, I95's speed limit is 55. Average actual speed: 80. Rarely have I ever seen anyone going below 70.

Why do they bother with logos at the opening anyway? Who gives a flying fuck about who made the game? You already got my money, I just care about the game!

I can kinda see the whole gay panic humor thing (even though the messages aren't really construed as threatening), but you lost me on the rest. I have no clue where you're pulling the token sassy gay friend from. That's a stretch at best.

Really? I'm gay and find this hilarious. Some dudes are just too horny for their own good. I've never used a hookup app myself, but my gay friends often complain of people saying and doing very problematic things on it. Racism, sexism, cissexism, harassment, stalking, death threats. You can find it all on grindr

It's a double-edged sword though. I've accidentally launched myself with a recovery too high.

omg! volume warning! JFC!