I definitely feel it swelling as it gets bigger, if I'm not wearing pants and standing, I feel it's weight and it's motion as I move around. If I'm laying down, i feel it reaching up towards my face
I definitely feel it swelling as it gets bigger, if I'm not wearing pants and standing, I feel it's weight and it's motion as I move around. If I'm laying down, i feel it reaching up towards my face
okay, well Apple *does* have a quality control policy that it does enforce AND it has numbers. Explain that! Also, shouldn't they be concerned what these low-quality products do for their image? What if people learn they have been scammed?
I'm going to guess this is because Microsoft, unlike apple, has absolutely no quality control for their app store... You'd think it would be obvious that no quality control corresponds directly with lack of quality and worse, a way to deliver malware through a service your average user might trust.
Gotta be honest those are some weird and unnatural looking dicks and the pubes are really gross
That was definitely me as a kid. My future children are going to need to become legit hackers to circumvent what I do.
they teargassed a state senator too
Aww thanks! It means a lot. I feel like I'm a mean person online sometimes so it's good to hear I'm not coming across as that
This is why I want it now! My partner and I want children and want them to be *our* children, but surrogacy may be beyond our means.
someone else broke the problem down into easier parts that a table actually can help with by decomposing the numbers. That's the stuff kids should definitely understand and also the example that sets people off when they see it presented as a common core "horror story" (i'm looking at you, Louis C.K.!). Apparently…
exactly! That's the kind of stuff kids need to know how to do! they should be able to break a problem down like that! Then a table can help. If you learn the tables alone as I did, you don't figure that out 'til much later. This also underscores the idea of a base 10 numbering system, which is useful to have a…
...they never went away, they are just part of a more rigorous curriculum now.
til they forget it or remember it incorrectly and then they effectively learned nothing because they can't reason what the correct answer should be or why
what about the punishing of people who had never nor could never have heard of him whom he also never contacted or made himself known to?
multiplication tables are still taught, but take a back seat to understanding how multiplication actually works. It may be surprising to learn that memorization is a poor way to learn anything and also doesn't help you when you get to new problems not part of what you memorized. "Quick! What's 13*450??"
actual thought as a young child, regarding christian faith and prayer: "why does God need to be told how great he is all the time? Every single prayer has a line about this and usually several" Seriously though, why does he need a chorus of beings created solely to heap praise upon him? Why did he also create a…
were to* Stupid Kinja won't let me edit immediately after posting when I am supposed to have an edit window
I wonder if people like your ex ever question their faith when the rapture doesn't come or nice people who don't fit in their particular sect get left behind if it does
I never understood cock rings. They say it keeps the blood in your cock to keep you harder longer. Everytime I try one, it shuts off the blood going in, killing the boner immediately...
vanilluxe gets too much unwarranted hate. Yes, it's an ice cream cone...and exeggcute is a bunch of eggs. Who the hell cares?
I had to reverse my charge because my deadline for doing so was fast approaching and I still couldn't be sure that they were in fact going to fill the order