a cop assaulting someone who is visibly gay at a pride event without cause would strongly suggest anti-gay bias on the part of the officer and would make the assault a hate crime
a cop assaulting someone who is visibly gay at a pride event without cause would strongly suggest anti-gay bias on the part of the officer and would make the assault a hate crime
I hate voicemail because I have to rehearse for it to leave the perfect, error-free message (which never happens even if I do rehearse). I prefer texts and emails because I can proofread them for accuracy and communicating what I need to.
oh, this is nothing new. Go to any gay bar with a shotboy and you will see this. Didn't know people swam in them, though
considering they didn't know she was pregnant, maybe they don't have a very good idea of the week of conception either
Not only is the objectification of women in games terrible for all the reasons Anita said, it also makes for a terrible game. It's such a cop-out. Couldn't make the game good, so lets just throw in some softcore porn (which, by the way, is a turn off both physically and game quality for women and gay men who just…
there is no irony. What you continue to not understand is that Fox news and Gawker should not be judged under the standard. One is a major news network, the other is an internet editorial section. It's apples to oranges! You think it's inappropriate for the orange to call out the apple for behaving like an orange…
so would you see the few second humping among a herd of ~100 guinea pigs? They don't take long
not me who got high, but my ex-roommate's ex-boyfriend got too high his first time and freaked out sobbing that he was going to die. After like 30 minutes of this he suddenly ceased and asked "is everything supposed to be so stream of conscious right now?" We answered yes and he told us how he felt like the world…
except Gawker is not and does not pretend to be "hard news" or a major source of news. It's more like an editorial section. Your inability to make that distinction is concerning
As awful as the stabbing is, I can't help but giggle when the media covers silly internet things as seriously as they do. I bet you'd never thought you'd hear a news anchor say "creepypasta" before this story broke.
whose? Oberyn's or Ellaria's?
yeah, that makes sense, though the guys I know who swung back to straight did so after a sexual encounter where they suddenly realized they weren't into it. I think it was more "i'm curious and willing to give it a try". Oh how I wish I were they guy I tried it with. I maintain I would have not been boring in bed…
only speaking to my (gay) experience, but most but not all self-identified bisexual males swing all the way to gay or back to 100% straight. Only one bi guy I know has been bi for the long term. If this is at all common, then I understand (but do not condone) where people get this idea that bisexuality doesn't exist
they cart, golf, and play tennis with them though
do you ever have a video load to a point and just stop? Playback stops at that point unless you back the progress slider up a little bit, then it starts buffering and playing again (usually. sometimes it just sits with a spinner indefinitely after that)
but which police do you inform? These men could literally be anywhere in the (assumed to be english-speaking) world
Don't encourage them! Just tell them "no!" and if they persist ask "what part of no don't you understand?"
I was a summer camp counsellor a science and nature camp. We had 3 kids (2 siblings and possibly related other child) who were Mennonite. Don't ask me why they signed up for a SCIENCE and NATURE camp where fossils, natural history, Darwin, and evolution were discussed. Those little bratty contrarians kept…
but how would he know if you were on your period?? were you?? but how can he know that??
no, they edit the show to look that way. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyf…