
I will never NOT post this anytime I see something about the Duggars because their belief system and method of parenting are truly frightening but are edited out of the show to give them this wholesome, fuzzy, good feeling vibe

Dress codes are fucking stupid. Distraction-free environment my ass! High school kids are the same no matter how you dress them. Bad kids will be bad kids, but the good students can get written up for an honest mistake. Who can say they've never dressed in a hurry or while tired and forgotten a belt? Who can say

Those exceptions are always using their actual name as their drag name, so they're not so clear-cut different personas.

I was thinking more along the lines of "guys (also gals, but mostly guys): don't fucking rape! We're serious!" and for both "Rape isn't always the assault-by-the-stranger-in-the-bushes kind. In fact it is rarely that. The following things are also rape:... Here is where you go to report rape/sexual assault" and

oh you mean like a lip-servicey thing they can point to and say they "tried"? yeah, it's definitely that

was partying ever school-sanctioned? Pretty sure that's the point of off-campus housing/house parties

It's not drinking culture either. Rape and sexual assault exist in the absence of alcohol too

Well said! If they were serious, they'd educate students about sexual assault and threaten to treat reports of it very seriously.

you'd have to have quite a few guys jerk off into a cup for you to collect enough to bake with

wow, you actually she believe that she did it. Where did she get semen in baking quantities from, then?

except she didn't actually do that. She put gross-out food ingredients in them and told them they were something else. Where's a girl gonna get that much semen from?

worse off how? Is she just supposed to smile and take it while they bully her? Props to her for her safe revenge prank. They're all stupid to have believed she actually put what she said she put in it. (Where's the hair? Where does a girl get enough semen without an accomplice?)

It's not all elevated pet food bowls and therapeutic socks. There's a lot of things that will leave you wondering "who would buy that?"

Does he have to watch the whole thing every time? Can't he just watch enough to decide "yep, it's porn" and maybe categorize it into a genre e.g. leather fetish porn or lesbian schoolgirl porn

since the term was coined?

"The uncanny valley is a hypothesis in the field of human aesthetics which holds that when human features look and move almost, but not exactly, like natural human beings, it causes a response of revulsion among some human observers"

They've dodged the uncanny valley by not putting a realistic head/face on the mannequin.

If I do it enough, though, I get so tired of it, I can't hear it in my head anymore