
wow, you actually she believe that she did it. Where did she get semen in baking quantities from, then?

except she didn't actually do that. She put gross-out food ingredients in them and told them they were something else. Where's a girl gonna get that much semen from?

worse off how? Is she just supposed to smile and take it while they bully her? Props to her for her safe revenge prank. They're all stupid to have believed she actually put what she said she put in it. (Where's the hair? Where does a girl get enough semen without an accomplice?)

It's not all elevated pet food bowls and therapeutic socks. There's a lot of things that will leave you wondering "who would buy that?"

oh also she slaughtered the masters of Astapor and Yunkai. Why start showing mercy now?

I want to agree with Ser Barristan, but her entire army's motivation is, as conveyed by Grey Worm, to kill the masters. Showing them mercy might make her seem less appealing as a Queen/Khaleesi/Mhysa or whatever and make them turn on her. Yes, she has 3 dragons, but she doesn't really know how to control them yet.


Does he have to watch the whole thing every time? Can't he just watch enough to decide "yep, it's porn" and maybe categorize it into a genre e.g. leather fetish porn or lesbian schoolgirl porn

since the term was coined?

"The uncanny valley is a hypothesis in the field of human aesthetics which holds that when human features look and move almost, but not exactly, like natural human beings, it causes a response of revulsion among some human observers"

They've dodged the uncanny valley by not putting a realistic head/face on the mannequin.

If I do it enough, though, I get so tired of it, I can't hear it in my head anymore

the problem with these haircuts is that they're like helmets made of hair

yes, but they cannot act over a distance greater than the attacker's reach and can be blocked by many objects. You have a much better chance of fleeing or defending yourself from someone armed with a knife than a person armed with a gun.

my glance falls down the cone and starts focusing on the dress. If they had a face, my brain is wired to look at it. All of our brains are, so I kinda get it from a design/advertising perspective. The focus is on the garment(s) and not the creepy-ass dead stare of the mannequin

and balance is restored to the pokemon world. Fairies are weak to types that didn't have a lot of strengths.

confirmation that big guns = small dick. That ranks among the smallest dicks I've seen on the internet or in life

what about the fact that it is possibly the EASIEST pokemon game ever made and that it lacks any significant postgame. Gen 5 games were (relatively) hard AND had post game

what? No Ghetsis? not only was he the only villain to attempt to kill you using a pokemon, his lineup in B/W one after you battle N was definitely designed to be particularly hard, no matter what your lineup was. Also, just look at him!

wait, this has a name and other people experience this? I just thought it was something that happened if I was really, really tired and falling asleep when I was only trying to rest my eyes while laying in bed after work.

Yeah, does he say the NES as "Ness?" I think I've only ever heard a handful of people read these acronyms phonetically.