
those aren't anime characters. They are characters in a series of danmaku shooter games called the Touhou Project.

Is everyone else in the world unable to avoid obstacles using their peripheral vision?

That still exists. When I was a kid, my grandma wouldn't let me buy big league chew because it's basically a bubblegum substitute for chewing tobacco. As an adult, I accidentally started a fist fight when my big league chew failed to ring up at 7-11 and the redneck behind me told the indian clerk that it should be

When I worked at a summer camp, the kids who brought go-gurt to eat. They brought it because it was the perfect package to make it easy to squirt it on other kids and gross enough to make a huge mess

freudian slip? did you mean bookend or did I just kill the joke?

religion is so arbitrary sometimes... doesn't Leviticus forbid you from cutting the hair on the sides of your head too? Why is Jesus always portrayed having what I would call long hair, even in classic art? What did ancient people even cut their hair with and how short can you realistically cut it with those tools?

I was just thinking about that... where in the bible does it say men shouldn't have long hair? Just how were men cutting their hair back then anyway?

Could a decision in their favor lead to any person claiming a religious exemption for any law they disagree with? Anything from "God told me to speed" to "God told me to kill you" to "there is no law except God's law, therefore I am not bound by any of your laws"

Rather than risk pursuing gay sex in public

a good car doesn't roll at such low speeds just because the driver is riding alone. The crashes may have been staged, but "reckless" should not include making simple turns. Why exactly did they decide to only put 3 wheels on the car? Why not 4?

Coincidentally, have you seen the TLC show "Buying Naked" where it's basically an HGTV home-buying show, except the buyers are nudists?

You know you've been watching too much HGTV when you read that quotation in the voice over voice and that light guitar music plays in your head.

wow thanks for this info. Didn't expect it to become relevant after I got rid of the phone plagued by calls for someone i did not know. I just received a debt collection call for a friend that I have no legally recognized relationship or association with. How a bank was able to associate us and know my personal

been there, done that for most of those 7 years. I was always polite, explained who I was, gave my full name, the business name that owns the number, address, and so on and they were always like "oh we'll update our records and stop calling you" but they never did. Lost my patience and pretended to be someone

tried that and it seemed to work for a few months, but they called back. I've tried even cussing out the caller and told them I dared them to repo "my" stuff/turn off "my" power in hopes that they would and the Emily they were trying to reach would change her phone number on record with them to stop that from

They are always calling for the same woman though for the same types of debts, though (unpaid loans, unpaid credit card, unpaid utilities, and so on) and have been doing this consistently for 7 years. It makes me think that they are not a phishing scam.

oh I told them I wasn't Emily Noelmeyer. They took what they heard as my first name and added Noelmeyer and I became her "husband" for all calls after that. I swear the people they hire for these calls have cotton in their ears! They don't listen

oh they left voicemails. My voicemail greeting has my first and last name which are not remotely similar to the person they are trying to call. I don't know why, after hearing a name other than the one you are calling you would persist and leave a voicemail for the other person.