
yeah, that sucks. There is punk as a commodity so punk is diluted, but I feel like punk as rebellion still exists, just in different forms.

I wouldn't say that's really equivalent oppression. Punks may be marginalized, especially because of the class element to the subculture, but straight/cisgendered punks have the same rights and protections as their non-punk counterparts, but I see what you're trying to say. You may be interested in queer punk http://

I'm not surprised. Some couples like to poop on each other or worse (2 girls, 1 cup, for example). To each their own. Most people prefer to avoid that mess.

Fellow liberal east coaster here. I didn't mean to come of as harsh as I did, but there is a subtle subtext in your comment that we are discriminated against because we allow it to happen to us. You could very well know LGBT people, but they may not have felt comfortable telling you, fearing your reaction. Even if

also, maybe consider not thinking about sex other people have. I'm sure as hell not imaging how you have sex. I don't get why straight people are so obsessed with sex that we may or may not be having

this list doesn't even touch on things like benefits for same-sex spouses, adoption and parenting rights, hospital visitation rights, or being next of kin in inheritance or making medical decisions on behalf of your partner if they are unable to themselves

yes, because I am to blame for being called a faggot in the grocery store. It's all my fault for grocery shopping with my boyfriend. Silly me, how could I forget that I am responsible for the abuse I receive because of who I am. Denied hospital visitation to my sick boyfriend? My fault. Denied the right to adopt?

because, depending on where you live, you almost certainly will be stared at, you might be called derogatory names or have someone tell you that you're going to hell, or they may assault you physically. I've had the first two, but thankfully not the last one, but only at the sacrifice of never being able to appear as

please read this and consider what we have to put up with that you do not

coming out to people can be as simple as correcting them when they assume you are heterosexual. I get why people make that assumption, but how can you expect me to carry on that conversation under a mistaken assumption. My options are either to come out and tell/correct them, or deal with the awkward situation of

I'm right there with you! So glad I can be out at work. I can make a comment about my boyfriend's fastidious nature and how he has to write down even simple recipes and get giggles and "tell him I feel for him, I'm a terrible cook too" in response. So simple, but so meaningful because I can be all of me at work,

Because you are assumed to be and treated as heterosexual unless you tell otherwise. A lot of the "broadcasting sexual preference" that conservatives will say we do is actually the everyday things that heterosexuals take for granted, like talking about your partner/spouse with others, having pictures of your spouse

you do realize that shit is rarely involved in anal, right? In the same way you wouldn't have vaginal intercourse during a woman's period because it can be messy, you don't do anal if you have to poop.

let me just start by saying that maybe you ARE a homophobe. We are not a sex act, so don't reduce us to one. Not all gay guys are into anal, and some straight people are. All sex is gross if you really think about it.

a bug tearing it up like a G

how much cock do you think the FBI sees?? (think chatroulette)

you might be able to gerrymander around race and class, but there aren't places that are significantly more of one sex versus another.

Now playing

buy him a thong to prove a point. Be like "Oh, I thought you might like this despite never seeing you wear a thong before"

You have a better chance of reading print. That's why forms ask you to print.