
If speed is your goal, handwriting is not what you should be doing. Kids will still operate pencils, just not in contexts that require speed. If speed is not important, clarity will be. Print is almost always universally legible.

good! Cursive is the worst. I'm almost 30 and my cursive handwriting has not changed since I learned cursive in third grade. Using cursive for anything but my own notes hinders communication because only I can read it. Sometimes even I can't read my own handwriting.

My boyfriend, who is a teacher, loves it. Suddenly there is a consistent curriculum. Kids coming from other districts can be expected to know what kids in his district are expected to know. The only bitching is that it is more work for teachers because they have to create new lesson plans and material instead of

fun answer: you know how people insist that being gay is "just a phase"? I'm trying to poke fun at that

your husband sounds a lot like me. I do exactly that with my boyfriend. I beep, click and smile as I gaze lovingly at him while kneading him with my feet like a cat. There are occasional "I love you"s but mostly I try to be thoughtful in everything I do and he acknowledges that he has received that as a sign of

I was trying to adapt by being verbal, which led to her accusing me of being disingenuous. She said I was saying it just because she wanted me to say it and not because I meant it. My anxiety in all interactions with her started increasing because I felt increasingly judged in every thing I said or did. Ultimately

yeah! When I was in my straight phase, the women I was seeing didn't seem to "get" my non-verbal affection and needed me to express it verbally, something I find difficult to do. It made me feel profoundly uncomfortable to have implicit quotas set for verbal validation of affection and made me sound disingenuous

are these figures adjusted to account for the there being way more cars on the road than trucks?

Thank goodness I live in a state where big highway travel is only necessary if you want to leave the state. Nothing gives me more anxiety while driving than the thought that I could be killed by someone else's stupidity

It's a credit to their talent because they become the character rather than portray them.

Maybe hire human pilots for landing/delivery?

I think you underestimate the power of corporate lobbyists

I remember school lunches tasting gross, even as a child who would probably eat anything presented to me. I gave up in like second grade (in 1991/92 for reference) and started bringing lunch. I remember the food was still recognizable as food, but always tasted like something went wrong somewhere. Beans were

it feels so good to have 12 GB of RAM. I can actually serve VMs via RDP to devices now with a raspberry pi. I haven't yet, but I can

They're suing to have their version declared a parody legally and therefore covered by fair use

in a world where a level 2 pidgey is a mortal threat? You better believe it!

I *love* this video series! I really wish her detractors would take a step back and really try to understand what she is trying to communicate them. She has a very important message for all of us!

whoever created the graphic has a very similar taste in music to me

No, she was one of very few people who actually believed me when I said I was straight. I don't think women are nuts though. Just my ex. I love women, just not sexually.

I didn't learn about her cheating until well after she was told to get lost by some then-friends of my roommate, now great friends of mine. I suspected nothing while it was occurring.