
That's horrible logic, "because the stage may not have been set up correctly then some freak weather even could not possibly have happened." Why not both? Or how about it was such a horribly strong weather event that even if the stage was set up as designed it may not have survived?

The Asus eeePad has a ~7.4V 3300mAh battery (24.42 Whr), iPad 2 has a ~3.75V 6930mAh battery (25.99 Whr). You have to look at Whr, not mAh, when discussing batteries, and for what current draw and temperatures those ratings are given.

It's just the traffic delay estimates for directions, not the live traffic overlay/layer.

It's just the traffic delay estimates for directions, not the live traffic overlay/layer.

They're removing the estimated traffic delay feature from the directions in maps, not the traffic overlay showing live delays.

From the original article: "One Kranium was smashed five times in a row and still passed the British Standard (EN 1078) test."

@sfokevin: Dude, Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. "Asian-American", please.

@Ding-Dang: This reminds me of a story my wife told me.

@JakeMG: ♂ Man: You wear a belt and suspenders for your boxers while driving in the car? That is classy.

@dcdttu: Good points, I was wanting to make a few of them myself until I saw your post.

I believe he technically resigned, at least that is what news reports and press release said back when it happened.

PC World is saying Google was incorporated on September 7th (1998) and maybe that is the reason. However, Google's site states, in several places, that they were incorporated on September 4th (as Kat pointed out).

@Otakju: Just the chance that the battery may explode, or you will get lead or mercury poisoning from poor regulation, or the screen will break and cut you, or you'll suffer an electric shock from poor design/manufacturing...

@muddi900: I think it can come down to preference, however my eyes can get fatigued reading just text for long periods of time on normal back-lit LCDs.

@PN - goopplesoft: I agree, I would want a screen that is a seamless hybrid, or a completely new technology to balance the e-ink and regular uses.

One thing that bugs me about traditional publishing is that all too often they release a hard cover edition first and wait up to a year to release a paper back. Not only do I usually not enjoy reading a hard cover: big, cumbersome for travel, not that convenient; but it costs a lot more.

So its like the bat signal for geeks?

Good call on the Land Cruiser, you can find them in almost every country, which as you said should be good for parts and service.

But each subsequent piece of tape will be slightly shorter than the previous piece!