Norv Face

And if you look very closely in the top right corner, you can just make out the reflection of Scott Raab, sobbing in the fetal position.


After graduating, Cathey took a job with the Minnesota Twins.

Funny, usually the S&M matchups occur at Wrigley Field, where the masochists reside in the bleachers.

if I had to predict anything he's gonna be the best goalie in the league next year....

Boston's younger (read: not blatantly racist or homophobic) listeners

That having been said, it's still a team of well-paid players losing to a squad of unpaid players, and that makes it an extraordinary upset.

I haven't seen a small group of fans so upset over a draft related announcement since the Jets' fans at the [insert current calendar year] NFL Draft.

I'm disgusted...they forgot to add "in peace" when listing James' victims on the crawl.

Hockey fans tend to be more loyal and passionate than fans of other sports, though decidedly much fewer in number. In LA, just about everyone is a bandwagon Lakers fan.

"This Can Turn Into A Murder In 2.2 Seconds"

"I'm saying, ‘You are an absolute stud. Do you realize what you just did? I'll have another! That was unbelievable.'"

The Charlotte Hornets Have Survived For Another Decade Of Uselessness By Moving To New Orleans

a mere 40 points behind the leader

she told police that she had faked the suicide attempt because she believed Cromartie was cheating on her

This record will fall in the offseason, when José Alberto Pujols Alcántara is discovered to be 51 years old, and his 37th and final RBI of the 2012 season (on his 6th and final home run) is credited as the record breaker.

Thunder just went on an 8-0 run to take a one point lead with 18.6 seconds left.

+ unlimited Caesar salad and breadsticks

/drops Mike

When it comes to racist fans, even I acknowledge that football is top dog.