Villain, I have done thy mother.
Villain, I have done thy mother.
In conjunction with the saucer people, under the supervision of the reverse vampires.
Would it have killed you to cancel Voyager as well?
The logorrhea notifications are coming from inside the CIA!
*Xanderpuss contracts "black cancerAIDS" due to exposure to black oil*
In my 11th grade German class, there was a Bosnian guy named Jihad. He never bought me anything. He did, on occasion, let me borrow a pencil.
Smell Thread
I'm more loathsome than despicable.
The A.V. Club
Not bein' alive for half of the nineties? Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin'.
He got better.
"If your echolalia lasts more than four newswires, contact your doctor."
MATT SMITH not Michael Fassbender.
Russell Crowe as Moe, Channing Tatum as Curly, Andy Zaltzman as Larry.
Shoulda got off at Crackton!
Wrong! The name arose when three North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked the USS Watergate (itself named after famed frontiersman Jebediah Watergate) in the Gulf of Mexico. This dastardly attack caused President Reagan to invade Grenada, to put an end to the unholy Grenadan-North Vietnamese alliance. Although, many…
Quick! Somebody register a Logorrhea Perlman account before Xanderpuss does.
I'm seein' double here, four narcissists!