
i would prefer to be drugged and pass out than ride in basic economy.

extremely non shocking revelation. 

my long since paid off f350 needs a new transmission. how many people out there do you think would go out and buy a new truck, instead of spend $3k on a new transmission?

is this the only instance of jerry drinking beer?

pro tip: you can open a beer bottle with anything

as if the two have even spoken in months

im a month out from 30 and paying 400 a month for mid-tier coverage, working for a state university

all i’m hearing is that I should be stockpiling used cars so I have something to drive for the rest of my life.

mcdonalds is trying really hard to bring me back into the fold.  a decade ago when i worked construction i ate there several times a week, and gained 30lbs.  i swore off it because its just too easy, but this....has me intrigued.

anchorage people are straight up AMATEUR drinkers compared to their neighbors to the north!!

I’ll say the same thing i say to all the other holier-than-thou canadians: it aint ‘us’, its the oligarchs in charge.

6'6" here, have dated girls from 4'11" to 6'2" and never really considered height a factor in my decisions. married to a 5'10" woman but she is very skinny and therefore super easy to pick up.

lifting my subaru impreza and putting it on a/ts was the BEST thing i’ve ever done to a car. so much easier to get in and out of, better in deep snow, better on alaska’s shitty gravel roads..

i love my iphone se

100% on board with you and came to say the exact same things


its too bad Walker (I) and Begich (D) decided to split the vote and hand the election over to Dunleavy (R). Walker has had a really tough term as governor, essentially pulling the state out of a tailspin recession, and I think he’s done OK. I would vote for him again, especially after this speech and especially now

people like Valerie Davidson are what this state sorely needs. Quyana!

i love the stuff, but it does get brittle in the cold.  i’ve had jb weld fixes break at -30 before, which is obviously the worst time for things to break.

im alaskan, my standards for “many” is like....6 people