
on the one hand, fuck iheartradio for buying all the small radio stations and turning them to shit, but on the other hand, i really hope AM/FM radio survives because I really enjoy it as a format

fuuuuuck farmed salmon that shit is so nasty

The governor of alaska stood with juneau students in their walk-out this morning, and he’s not even planning to run for re-election. nice to see solidarity like that.

what a stupid, beautiful, thing

for the record, too, i have had better luck with seafoam than stabil.

maybe you have real shitty gas there then! i know of one pump in my town that has no ethanol, its also locally owned and cheaper than the rest of town. my carbureted snogos, snowblower, chainsaw, and my 81 f150 all thank me for the special trip to get it.

i had a similar thing happen to me when i was in high school. i was dropping some friends off in their neighborhood near the projects, they are black i am white, and the cops pull me over, put us all in handcuffs, search the car. i’m 16 years old at this point, it wasn’t my first time in handcuffs but i was still too

cricket i have unlimited everything + 8gb hotspot data, for $65 a month, thats including taxes and fees. easy to sign up, easy app, and they gave me a discount on my new phone. couldn’t be happier.

you’d think an android would have better teeth

seafoam helps

those damn teens again

i agree with hannibalz. i prefer to talk shit on cops without thinking.

its almost like the cops play by whatever rules suit them the best. funny how that works.

i shattered the pinion gear on my last starter for my f150. i think i have some teeth missing on my flywheel which caused it to skip and shatter. it was a first for me, and i’ve done a loooot of starters

my first car was a 91 maxima that used to belong to my mom, then my dad drove it for a while, and then gave it to me. He gave me the keys, a long screwdriver, and a mallet.

nancy’s plain whole milk is still the GOAT

are you trying to say that flash freezing degrades the quality? i was always under the impression that flash freezing was better

“barley lacroix”

ADDITIONALLY, freezing salmon allows you to eat it without cooking to 145, at which point its way over done

nice try but i eat about 30 of the finest salmon in the world (copper river reds) every year. I pull them from the river, filet them on the rocks, and put them on ice til I get home and vacuum seal and flash freeze them. I guarantee you could not tell the difference between a fresh filet and the one I ate for dinner