
new tacomas are bigger than my 81 f150

i agree with all aspects of this article besides the fact that siping tires, or “tractionizing” them totally works. For bigger truck tires its the only way to go, as they don’t make winter tires in some of the larger sizes or load ratings.

yep, buying a new vehicle sounds cheaper than buying some tires

its an older pattern than the current generation of hakkas, but it is a pattern that was once on the hakkas.

i once had a truck where when it was really cold (-30 to -40 f) the speedo cable would stick in the housing and cause the indicator to read ~100 when i was only going 10-15 out the driveway, accompanied by a loud whine. I had always wondered HOW the needle broke off in a 4 banger mazda truck til the first time it


sadly, no dem leaders have the balls to do it

ever wonder how lakes dont freeze all the way to the bottom, even in really cold places? Ice insulates, and the latent heat of water is huge

my first car was a 3rd gen manual maxima. not a wagon though, but that transmission with that lovely v6 was a great car to learn to drive in

i keep match start charcoal and a cookie sheet in the truck when im going out somewhere remote. let it burn down and then slide it under the engine. old miner taught me that trick

these places include the earliest known habitation of north america. humans THRIVE here, just have to have a bit of knowledge and experience.

ive never felt more like i was living on a giant sphere hurtling through space than standing outside at -40 looking up in the pitch black sky with auroras dancing overhead. the rest of earth feels fake after that.

Lifted Subaru Outback sport on studs. Got the dogsled on top just in case. I’m ready.

what? no. 5-10, though? sure

i don’t want more opinions from ‘experts’ who are referencing specific use cases, i want DATA.

actually thats how radiators work

I am very aware of how temperature scales work. I also know that I must value empirical evidence. I do not see any empirical evidence that you have provided, and you are right, I am not interested in trying your technique, so i will continue to let my cars warm up.

crate motor im guessing. If i’m wrong, i’m extreeeemely interested.

i wouldnt do it at -5F. I might do it at -5C. But what do i know, i’m just a guy with 3 cars approaching 200k miles living in a place that sees the coldest temperatures in north america.

ive got one of these sitting on my workbench. All my cars already have block heaters, will I really notice a difference with one? If I had a diesel I would install it.