North Korea South Korea Marilyn Monroe

I dunno, the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics were the most successful in history. LA already has the infrastructure in place to host everything without having to build anything new. Most Olympics cause a city to lose money, but LA is just that bizarre enough mix where it can host everything and still improve the community.

I often wonder where the poor huddled masses of Los Angeles will live in 20-30 something years. Every neighborhood in the central city is becoming more and more gentrified. I wonder if the new football stadium in Inglewood will raise housing costs and make those poorer people unable to live there. And downtown,

Leo Dicaprio and Max Van Sydow are set to star

I was there over new years, and every time I went to an arcade, I saw kids and adults obsessed with a game where you played a Taisho drum similar to a DDR style. EVERYONE was playing that game.

A friend of mine was one of people on the Stanford team with Evan and one of the original “founders” I guess, although he’s not Reggie or Bobbie. You wouldn’t ever see his name in a newspaper or anything. But I can ask him

20 bucks says he never got that hole in one, and ordered someone to lie as his witness to say he did.

Ok if New England is Trump, Atlanta is Hillary, what does that make Paul Ryan, Bernie Sanders and TEd Cruz?

“Watching a sandwich get made will show you the ingredients in the sandwich”

“This awesome video shows how walking down a street will lead to a new destination”

“Watch what happens when this car presses its brakes (it stops!)

I got a roundtrip flight from LA to Denver for $60. One or two years ago, it was about $200. I didn’t even want to go to Denver, I just saw the cheap fares on Frontier and decided to see the rents for the weekend.

Yes, compared to JetBlue or United, Frontier is godawful. Your seat doesn’t have a full food tray, they

It could be that, but also that article goes into how she wanted to have rehearsals in London, and was making more and more demands that made it unrealistic to have her in the film

Or, just copy and paste this quote

“Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.

I’m glad that I wasn’t the only one who is still noticing that about Casey. Most of the times when I read his articles, it’s literally comes across as a freshman English student writing a short description of a YouTube video. I think there was one point where enough commentators brought it up and he ended up writing

Now playing

I thought the “Daryl, Daryl” chant originated from The Simpsons’ episode “Homer at the Bat,” which aired in 1992.

I recently traveled to Asia and met people who were also traveling from places like Australia, Germany, Poland, etc. We all spoke English but I was the only American. I asked them what their thoughts were on Donald Trump, and I thought I would receive responses like “it’s the worst thing that’s ever happened in world

Looks like it was made using this.

I’ve seen it twice and have been listening to the soundtrack non-stop

La La Land is great, lots of fun, Emma and Ryan’s voices don’t carry as well as other more talented singing stars but they do good, ensemble numbers from the movie are best.

But really, what I don’t get about the movie, and this isn’t really a spoiler, is that Gosling’s cahracter is a big jazz guy who loves jazz

Totally get why you wouldn’t like these long, drawn out Twitter rants, they can definitely be obnoxious and pointless. But what does any of this have to do with him being a man?