North Korea South Korea Marilyn Monroe

I have three in particular.

First, I went to a Weird Al concert at the height of his fame in mid-90s, right after Bad Hair Day came out. Me and my brother were huge fans so it was a big deal. But being the 6-year-old I was, I always had to go to the bathroom. So when his song Yoda comes on, it’s just a music video

Dolores will accidentally take two dates to the same dance, hilarity will ensue.

In a very important episode, Maeve will carry weed for a friend but will get caught by her parents, and Maeve will call out her dad for catching him smoking.

Teddy will cheat on a Westworld turing test and get a prestigious scholarship

Also, it’s hard to think of a host as oppressed when that is literally what they were designed for, having sex and being shot at by guests. It’d definitely be different if these were people who were unknowingly kidnapped from an orphanage by Ford and upgraded and programmed to be hosts. Sure, Ford definitely came

I definitely agree with a lot of your points, although not as angry about them, but I do agree. Here’s what i have to add.

-Arnold. They really really referenced him way too much after the initial reveal, like he became part of every discussion, where a more intriguing way to have done it would have been mention him

Now playing

Focus groups are interesting and while often wrong, can be very right.

Two funny examples come to mind. Way back when, I was once interviewing for a job as the assistant to a comedy publicist who had a bunch of A-list clients, two of them being Judd Apatow and Steve Carrell, and he told me two stories about focus

One thing I predict being wrong with Rogue One is it’s pacing. It seems like it moves realllly slow, even with the action shots. That whole scene where Felicity Jones and Diego are like “good...good...” just seems like it takes forever. I expect lots of long pensive silences in this movie.

I never saw a trailer for it, far too young at the time, but The Shawshank Redemption was one of the most poorly-marketed movies of all time, and well, here we are.

This is interesting, because I used to take the perspective that ghosting wasn’t that bad, and this was being ghosted on far more than ghosting on others. If I texted a girl trying to make new plans after a date and she didn’t text back within a day or two, then I knew it was done.Or if she always came back with vague

It means that Nucky isn’t pleased

Sounds like something a Switzonian would say

Woo I’m Switzerland I’m so great wooo!


Jurassic Park and Westworld, both the TV show and movie, are “Monster in the House” stories, one of the most common and most exciting types of movie and TV plotlines. Essentially, it’s just some big looming threat (Freddy Kreuger/Xenomorph/Dinosaurs/Robots) that terrorize people in some sort of confined space (a

Don’t mean my video to be snarky, but I do understand where you’re coming from. I’m not a vet, nor is anyone in my family a vet, my dad did serve in the air force though, but I can understand the frustration of veteran’s needs and Veterans Day as a whole being ignored, or rather, being exploited for the wrong reason

I see what you’re saying but I kind of disagree. I work in online media/publishing, and am part of that world where it’s like “Oh shit, President’s day is coming up, lets do something on presidents!” but it really just feels disingenuous.

I think if there’s a worthy science fiction story that’s related to veterans’s

I listen to the track on level three whenever I’m driving through the streets of LA looking for trouble

i mean they did capture footage of the heptapods when they were recording them, and after Louise published her book, it seems like it was pretty common knowledge among everyone on earth what had happened. And even for Louise, it was literally the most life-changing moment of her life, so her talking to her daughter

What would you have liked Gawker/Gizmodo’s veteran’s day post to be about?