North Korea South Korea Marilyn Monroe

I guess? It’s hard to tell how you’d react if you learned that not only was your daughter going of a rare disease, but she was going to die exactly on May 11, 2025. Would you be able to go and raise her and pretend everything was all right? That when she told you she wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer when she grew up,

So you’re saying that with Pence, a Trump presidency wouldn’t be carried to term?

Yeah, every time I “try to look on the bright side of it,” I just get really depressed. “Well, he was a great businessman, so he knows kind of what he’s doing...” and then I see my boss who’s a mom who’s devastated because it’s like she lost all hope in life and doesn’t know what to tell her son about the world we

I really think it’s the most elaborate prank joke in history. Before he even ran for president, he always tried to get attention with whatever viral craze or saying some stupid shit. Then everyone online would call him out on it, but he still ended up succeeded, because he made us not forget about Donald Trump.


No they don’t

Guys the Cubs winning the World Series is great and all but let’s not forget the true winner of the night: Carrie Underwood, who brought home the award for Best Female Vocalist at tonight’s CMA Awards.

How I feel now that we can’t make fun of the Cubs anymore

In my online dating profile, I have a line that says something along the lines of “A strong, beautiful black woman trying to make it in a white man’s world.” I’m a white man by the way.

I’ve only received two negative messages on it, saying it was offensive and insensitive. But both of those were from younger white

This video was great, but just FYI, you should increase the volume on Joanna’s audio and lower the music, it was hard to hear her

I have this crazy theory. So when you watch movies or a TV show, the people you see aren’t actually “real people.” Like the soldiers on the beach in “Saving Private Ryan,” they aren’t actually real soldiers.

I know I know, tin foil hat stuff, but I’m convinced that these soldiers and townspeople and other randos you

Bucky is also the only one who has actually held Steve’s shield in all three movies.

I just didn’t want to hurt his feelings

Casey’s job pretty much is just finding decent YouTube videos, which he does a decent job at I’d say 75% of the time, but then when gets to writing about the video he just wants to get it done as soon as possible

Yeah, but Bernard also mentioned something about evolution in the last episode. I think a plotline we’re going to see is hosts “evolving” beyond their pre-programmed permissions and roles, kind of like how Dolores did. Or we’ll see a host kill a visitor with using a supposedly non-lethal gun, or a host not

Go to Gizmodo more, it’s slowly shifting into Gawker.

I matched with Beejoli once on Tinder, and once saw her in DTLA. That is all.

I think they’re trying to ramp up their video content, that’s why you saw a lot of videos from them at NYCC, and they haven’t quite figured out what way they want to do or how to do it. But yeah, text moved by way to fast and just wasn’t pleasant

Additionally I did not have enough time to read the text on each slide

You should watch out for your spacing on your opening title, the p is running into the O from “Rogue One” in the line beneath it