
It’s available world-wide for free. So, what’s the problem? It doesn’t matter what the CEO says if it’s available to everyone.

It’s not the Website.

My Brain!?! But that’s my second favorite organ!

Please get the quote correct. It’s, “Life, ahhhhhhhhhhhh, finds a way.”

What’s wrong with using sacred ground (it’s all sacred) to enlighten mankind? Isn’t that what it’s for?

I meant that bad Canadian government decisions only affect Canadian citizens, generally. With America, it’s a whole nuther thing. It’s a truism that most citizens who are not affected by President Trump’s decisions or affected positively, don’t care.

Every time. That’s why you never hear about it on the news.

The kid with his hands in his pockets looks pretty cool.

Everybody looks good when you’re drunk. He probably needed the money to buy some tequila for a hot date.

A guy robbed a bank in Vancouver. He wrote the hold-up note on the back of his phone bill. The cops got him when he arrived home. “These guys ain’t rocket scientists” quipped a stalwart flatfoot to the press.

So, you have taken the time to consider a plan to carry suicide out. I don’t think you seriously doubt that you’d do it. I think there’s a good chance you would. Life is a mandate. It’s in your DNA. So is the suicide gene—in varying degrees (usually tied in with a propensity towards depression). I’m waiting to see if

I get something right every once in a while.

That only happens if they cheat. You mustn’t take song lyrics too seriously. You sound like someone rationalizing suicide. The next thing that happens is a consideration of the means to do so. After that, comes a rationalization of why you’re thinking about this topic which usually results in a conclusion that it’s

He won’t get in again if the Democrats continue with the grassroots campaign they’ve begun. They’re starting at the bottom and working their way up. The percentage of citizens who vote in the next election will be a most interesting number. As for Trudeau, he was groomed by the Liberal Party elites who know where all

Perhaps. It’s the only explanation I’ve received, so far.

Deadwood got a little too sordid for me.

I think his cutlery is made from Unobtanium. The added bonus is, he gets a nice tan—inside and out.

Mussolini never accomplished anything. He killed a bunch of Africans with modern weapons while they were still using cavalry charges. The “trains on time” quote is just a myth. Hitler had to bail him out of trouble time and again. His fantasy about establishing a New Roman Empire was delusional. He was a terrible

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave”. The second line of that quote doesn’t apply here but this one does. Keeping Daesh out of the UAE and Somalia is imperative so the Strait Of Hormuz does not come under their control.

I agree. It’s a terrible situation. Something has to be done but these tactics aren’t working. The best military minds in NATO and America can’t figure it out. They’re not crazy. They’re stumped.