
Because it's Michael Jackson, not Dr. Seuss.

Was really looking forward to the rest of the reviews, what happened?

I've been watching on Amazon and I think the majority (of s2— more of s1 had just the flash) have had the full sequence, so you got unlucky?

Also, sex magic and religion as part of ecstatic sex have existed for millennia. There are a lot of elements from these ideas that are present in odd forms in American extremist Christians, so it's not that surprising that this one does, too.

Cynical: Teal is very, very in right now. (Also it plays absolutely beautifully against red and those washed out grays, so I can't fault them for a palette that's this gorgeous to watch every week.) But look at like every show on the air right now and you're seeing teal, navy, and peacock absolutely everywhere.

Of course the comments are full of men doing a "who cares about this show, pay attention to me!" Of fucking course they are.

We shoot back. If it's that or be slaughtered like animals, we fucking shoot back. Gun purchases by people of color and by LGBT people are rising sharply, and I think it's a necessary thing.

I lived there then, and it was incredibly repressive. National Guard with rifles everywhere, and the constant, unceasing drone of police helicopters, some days not ending until around 4 in the morning. I felt that my city had been invaded. And the curfew, only ending when a bunch of white people in a gentrified

I especially want to know how a perfume ad with the song "It's a Man's world" could not only be allowed to air during this show, but air *repeatedly*.

Me! Filet-o-fish and the chicken nuggets are about the only fast food I can stand. If I'm desperate for something to eat and there really is no time for anything else, that's been my go-to since I was a kid. There was a bar in the city where I used to live that replicated a filet-o-fish for me with proper fried

I'm in the wrong thread for not having read CW (read Leviathan Wakes, don't want to get ahead of the show b/c I did that last season and regretted it), but Holden being so sure it's impossible to reason with the monster seemed a little weird to me given that they know Miller did exactly that with Julie-as-Eros. And

Oh hell no. I'm glad all the awkward kids in small towns, the queer kids in fundie areas, and all the other misfits and outcasts have the ability to find someone who gets them, even if it's online. I wish I'd had the internet as a kid!

I'm a hell of a lot older than you and love the makeup videos. Not least because I stopped wearing makeup shortly after high school, so now I have a way to learn how to do it again without feeling embarrassed for not knowing and having to pay for a lesson in a store by buying stuff.

Good luck with that. They don't respond. You can either keep it or cancel it, but otherwise they don't really care.

That app is buggy AF and always has been. At least it functions most of the time now, as opposed to the three month stretch last year when it would crash at every ad break.

He outed a trans student at an event, egging on bullying and harassment. He did the same thing for undocumented students, urging the crowd to call the IRS. Yes, yes he is as horrible and vile— in fact, since the character in the show seemed to do all his dirty work online, he's worse.

He is not. I also have it on good authority that he doesn't fuck and his doors go out and not up. Sad!

All Access had an issue last year where it plain wouldn't work. It would get to the first ad or the second ad and crash. On every single show on every single device, for a whole bunch of customers (including me), for at least two months. Thankfully that's resolved now and the UI looks better, but I don't trust its

Amazon promoted it in its Prime newsletter, I loved it enough to buy this season. Hoping a lot of people find it via streaming.

If it means anything, I'm watching unspoiled (just started the books, about halfway through Leviathan Wakes) and Alex is my favorite character.