northern eye

Ok. I’ll take this one guys.

you can either: pull the desk into the hall (tho that is a bit extreme), talk them out of the room (takes skill), punk them into leaving (not good from an emotional viewpoint), or talk them into co-operation (sort of a last chance warning, but then you have to follow through). Throwing a student is never acceptable,

Imagine if an African American security officer did this to a white high school student.

Except that The Hunger Games already exists with a male lead, under the title of Every Other Action Movie Ever Made: Parts XXI-DCLXVI.

Or is it just not a bunch of angry men claiming women cannot play such roles such as Ghostbusters?

Whether I agree with her opinions or not, I think asking older women—especially one of Greer’s background— to sit down and let the young’uns take over is a bit much, too.
Let her talk and defend her views, or let her talk and change her views. If we just tell her to sit down and shut up, old lady with outdated views,

“It’s misogynist in his way but he always puts it so plainly and straightforwardly that the women who might want to mess with him at least have a chance to know what they’re getting into.”

No but guys! This is important. If my marriage license hadn’t specified “bride” and “groom” how would we have known which is which?

I’m sorry your company isn’t coming up a winner here. I haven’t used Lyft; I have used Uber; based on my experience with Uber, I have no intention of using Lyft.

Here’s how to make people actually want to use your service:
1. Stop hiring people who either creep customers out or actually assault them. It isn’t possible

Marketing. They were incredibly successful in tapping the “stick it to the man, share-economy” market. Who needs regulation and licensing? C’mon kids, let’s put on a show in the old barn! That’s filled with rapists!

This douchenozzle runs on a CONSERVATIVE ticket. What about this is conservative? Do I not grasp the actual definition of conservative? I live in his god-damned state, making less than $20,000 a YEAR and struggling to make it day to day and he gets to spend $6.5 MILLION DOLLARS in 70 days? Gee, I wonder what $6.5

I’m thinking most of her issues stem from the fact that her father finds her hot.

No, Lawrence isn’t a “bitch”. Women and girls aren’t “bitches”.

Yeah people need to articulate better and a lot of responses were rude and heinous but your initial comment was very dismissive; “Cry me a fucking river.” Not to say you deserved the vitriol but you had to know it was coming/ would come right?

This crosses into that area of : the public often has a certain perception of what we think celebrities OWE us to do/think/represent/speak out for (sexism, racism, feminism), because we think, at a certain level, they’re powerful to the point of being basically untouchable. This is a good reminder that they aren’t,

So, since she is a millionaire getting paid less than her male counterparts. She should keep her mouth shut? She does not deserve to be heard or cared about like middle class and poor women? Good job, nice to see someone really fighting for the cause.

Nah, gender inequality is wrong regardless of how much wealth is involved.