northern eye

I’m having great difficulty seeing any cons with prosecuting.

Let’s just clarify this. The prosecution made the plea deal not the judge. Now, in the majority of cases, the judge rubber stamps the plea deal but the judge is under no legal obligation to do so. If you read the court transcript of Polanski’s plea deal, he is told repeatedly that the judge has not made a final

I thought the article was about the racial issues underlying the false accusations of rape made against black men, like the first several paragraphs... But then a few sentences later, it’s just a retelling of two black women falsely accusing white men of rape... Did I miss something, or is this just all the f over the

I’m going to leave this here, for context:

Repeat after me, Matt: “ I’m sorry I was wrong, and I’ll try to be better in the future. I hope my own predjudices will be used to start an insightful conversation on white males in Hollywood”

...I am happy that they started a conversation about diversity in Hollywood.

Ricky Whittle. He’s a regular on “The 100” now apparently, which I don’t watch but may have to start.

Ergh, I wanna be Ellen Page’s girlfriend!

UMPH. Guy at far left CALL ME.

After reading both the article and the article tags, I kind of feel like Jez might be trolling everyone with this essay in response to today’s Slate piece.

Good for you! That is an interesting blend of different fields which I wasn’t aware of.

One of the most important geographers I know (David Harvey):

“They didn’t just buy one book, they’d buy a dozen and be back a week later to buy a dozen more.”

Romance readers were the WEIRDEST of the bunch but also brought the most sales. They didn’t just buy one book, they’d buy a dozen and be back a week later to buy a dozen more.

Oh everyone but Dave raved about the menu, it was a pretty fantastic professional debut I have to say.

Bookstore people are crazy. I worked at a Half Price Books in the Midwest and due to the insane number of serialized romance novels we received, we started packing them into stacks of 7 and selling them together for 2 bucks. We called them Love Bundles, and there was a group of about 25 mid-fifties women who purchased

I was way more of a smart-ass when I worked in a bookstore, since my manager was always job hunting and couldn’t have cared less. During the height of the “Twilight” craze, right when the last book and the first movie had been released, we were sent a metric ton of merch, including those SweetHearts chalk-flavored