northern eye

“There are so few women of color up here ...” Lord, yes. I am from Fairbanks, Alaska, and even I got there and wondered where we were at. But that said, I got a great education that I still use to this day, so it was worth it. At commencement I wore a tie-dye t-shirt, shorts, Birks, the kente stole I got from the BSU

Damn right, Go Ducks! True story: I was minding my own business when one day I got a letter from the UO Multicultural Center informing me that my grades qualified me for an academic scholarship. This was a million years ago when the Bells were still there and Jewel Bell set up this up. A year and a half later I walked

I do not give a fuck as to why these people stepped in and stepped up. They did. I didn’t. Did you?

Huh? Actually ... don’t bother. Have a nice day. I got wine that needs my attention.

*headdesk* You “do” know this has very little to do with high school. Right?

Anyone can sue. Wonder what the outcome was. Also: Daily Fail? To quote the great sensei George Takei: “Oh mmyyyyy ...”

This ain’t about you, son. Take a knee and just listen, for once. You might learn something.

Huh? She’s not in this. She has nothing to do with this.

She’s not married.

Yes. I grew up in Alaska, and we had public school nurses in each school (at least in the urban areas, things were a little different in Bush schools). And the school district worked with the public health center to make sure we all got our shots. Things have deteriorated since then, and several schools are forced to

Not in the US. Full adult rights don’t kick in until 21. And as a matter of practice, there are places where you can not: buy a house, rent property, set up utilities, etc.

A little political minutae. Lisa Murkowski was given her US Senate seat by her dad, Senator Frank Murkowski, when he (or rather, his wife) decided that he should end his career by becoming Governor of Alaska. Which he did, and he was so bad/corrupt that when he ran for re-election, he didn’t even make it out the

Same here. But then, I live pretty close to the Yukon/Alaska border, where the sun is currently setting at 3:45 in the afternoon, aaaannnddd I’m Black, so my current vitamin d levels are in the danger zone. I knew right away what the ad was about, especially since they so helpfully included a First Nations woman in

If by democracy you mean an endless round of: we hate brown people, we hate butt sex, we hate an religion that isn’t about a gun-totin’ Jaysus - then sure.

Just a guess, but I think about 95% of my Facebook friends are my fellow Alaskans. Not a one of us cares about this. At all. I have seen zero posts come up in my FB feed. Lots of grumbling about going back to work, and humblebrag vacay photos, tho.

REI is part of an initative to get more folks of color into outdoor activities. And they don’t blink an eye when I walk my plus sized Black female self in there and tell the clerk I need a new backpacking tent.

I’m torn. I kinda want to see it so see what the fuss is about. And I don’t want to because his work is so uneven, and usually the fuss is for good reasons.